Flattens and roughens arrays for serialisation
LeadVertex address component
Object Storage Service (OBS) provides massive, secure, highly reliable, and low-cost data storage capabilities, allowing users to store data of...
Functional primitives for PHP
LeadVertex MoneyValue component
Mercure twig component.
SMPP Protocol implementation for PHP
Simple library for value type casting
Magento 2 Sitemapexclusion
Wrapper around the PNotify plugin
Post Scriptum Server RCON library
PHP function extracts a substring with a specified length starting from a location in the Myanmar Language input.
Abstract class to help faster build PrestaShop modules
An elegant documentation and blogging theme for Automad based on the official Automad documentation theme
Laravel freeradius
Laravel based tool for interacting with Cloudflare API
drag and drop menu generator like wordpress for laravel 8
A short description of what your package does
Object's wrapper to manage version
Easy management for SSL/TLS certificates and proxying local webservers for fast development setups!
AliyunOSS filesystem for Laravel
A Laravel Nova tool.
User visit behaviour for Laravel.
php is beautiful
A wrapper package for Api2PDF API
addon package
This is a Auth class library based on the ThinkPHP5 framework
Lightweight utils to speed up simple php project creation
Convert a webpage to an image or pdf using headless Chrome
A skeleton PHP project based on the principles of functional programming and pure functions.
Stuff that helps us with Mailchimp API
Adminx is a library to create automatic admin panel for Laravel web applications
CVO-Technologies Bootstrap theme
API lib used for internal projects
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel
Fathom Analytics API
An eloquent-like implementation of Laravel's cache functionality
Monzo OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
A PHP library of immutable objects to use in Domain Driven Design.
Ephenyx Shop Code source
Paseto package for Bone Framework
Client for Apple Push Notification Service (APNS)
A package to integrate your PHP app with the QualP API
Shareable pager - basic interfaces
Hulotte's bundle for managing database
Integrates Spatie Laravel-media-library with Modelarium and GraphQL
Doctrine ORM/ODM reader and writer for Port
Scaffolding of laravel migrations
Plugin documentation
Vitya CMS template
A constant-time, variable-workload chunking tool with Doctrine2 integration
A Laravel package for using structs with Laravel including attribute casting.
DB addon
Complete dashboard module with login and lock page with material designed template
Laravel photo module
Laravel extension package for douyin,toutiao,xigua
MySQL Workbench Schema Exporter for Doctrine 2
Integration of tesseract bridge via FFI and CLI
Weekly updated database of IP CIDR to Country codes, indexed by the first 1/4th of the IP address
A collection of classes to QR enccode strings and render them as PNG, TIFF and vectorized EPS.
Roles and rules for larevel users
Irfan's Database - A bare-minimum and simple database access
An asynchronous and observable event driven PHP framework for easily building fast and scalable network applications.
Official Simfoni interface for Laravel PHP applications.
A pz module for Docker Compose
A very simple and safe PHP library that provides methods to handle HMAC in applications.
A deadsimple module to use v-tooltip in your Modern Magento 2 Vue Projects
Auto register routes using PHP attributes