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This Package allows you to automate your Laravel Application from your Backend.
Dummy package containing some interface for HTTP messaging while PSR-7 is in proposal state
Automate the common password `Auth::needsRehash` routine using built-in event
Library for coinbase pro API calls
Twig Extension to use entrypoints.json in Twig Templates
Psalm plugin for Zend Framework 1
A laravel page buidler out of the box
Bookmark discussions to find them easily later
GitHub Flavored Markdown editing & rendering using Parsedown
A weather forecast tile for the Laravel Dashboard
Adding MultiSafepay payment functionality to Craft Commerce
PHP SubsetSum implementation to search for number combinations.
An extension to Laravel's Validator class that provides some additional validation rules.
hyperf-plus validate 支持request 和方法场景验证,兼容tp5写法 支持控制器注解验证、方法注解验证
PHP library for Google Chrome extension "PHP Console".
Some BEHAT contexts
SOAPClient Class Extensions for XMPie uStore WSDL API
SOAPClient Class Extensions for XMPie uProduce WSDL API
HTML and Form Builders for the Laravel Framework
Symfony2 bundle for communication with ARES (Czech business register)
Generate slugs when saving Eloquent models
My first composer package
A WP-CLI command for duplicating a site (blog) on a WordPress mutisite network
this package will make the routes or url to work with ssl
New Magento2 gulpfile
Warianty produktów
A PHP Client for Odoo
Removes final keyword from source code on-the-fly and allows mocking of final methods and classes
Reads available minor and patch versions from a Git repository
Ergonode - Exporter File
Simple PHP View Renderer
Concrete – an open source content management system.
HIVE Simple Slider (based on Swiper.js)
Laravel GeoIP client
TencentCloudApi php sdk mgobe
Drupal empty front page.
Service Container. Implements PSR 11
import / export bundle for Sylius Resource.
DOMPDF is a CSS 2.1 compliant HTML to PDF converter
Ergonode - Mailer
Resource Controllers for Laravel
Swedbank Estonia banklink omnipay package
Class to generate a standard structure for api json responses
Simple token handler lib
The Reportico Reporting Designer and Framework.
LinkedIn API PHP SDK with OAuth 2.0 & CSRF support. Can be used for social sign in or sharing on...
Base toolbox plugin for Api Shopaholic plugins
TencentCloudApi php sdk sslpod