pyobjcframeworkCoreLocation 10.3.1 Wrappers for framework ‘CoreLocation’ on macOS 10.6. This framework provides an interface for dealing...
pyobjcframeworkCoreHaptics 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreHaptics” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCoreData 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreData” framework on macOS. The Core Data framework provides generalized and...
pyobjcframeworkCoreBluetooth 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreBluetooth” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCoreAudioKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreAudioKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCoreAudio 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CoreAudio” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkContactsUI 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ContactsUI” framework on macOS 10.11. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please...
pyobjcframeworkContacts 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Contacts” framework on macOS 10.11. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please...
pyobjcframeworkColorSync 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ColorSync” framework on MacOSX 10.13 or later. These wrappers don’t include...
pyobjcframeworkCollaboration 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Collaboration” framework in macOS 10.5 or later. The Collaboration framework provides...
pyobjcframeworkCloudKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CloudKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkClassKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ClassKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCinematic 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Cinematic” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCallKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CallKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkCalendarStore 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “CalendarStore” on macOS 10.5 and later. The CalendarStore frameworks provides access...
pyobjcframeworkBrowserEngineKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “BrowserEngineKit” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkBackgroundAssets 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “BackgroundAssets” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkAVRouting 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AVRouting” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkAVKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AVKit” framework on macOS introduced in macOS 10.9. These wrappers don’t...
pyobjcframeworkAutomator 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Automator” framework on macOS. The Automator framework supports the development of...
pyobjcframeworkAutomaticAssessmentConfiguration 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkAuthenticationServices 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AuthenticationServices” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkAudioVideoBridging 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AudioVideoBridging” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkAppTrackingTransparency 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AppTrackingTransparency” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkApplicationServices 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “ApplicationServices” framework on macOS 10.5 or later. Core Text is an...
pyobjcframeworkAppleScriptKit 10.3.1 Wrappers for framework ‘AppleScriptKit’. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check Apple’s documentation...
pyobjcframeworkAdSupport 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AdSupport” framework on macOS 10.14 or later. These wrappers don’t include...
pyobjcframeworkAdServices 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AdServices” framework on macOS 11.1 or later. These wrappers don’t include...
pyobjcframeworkAddressBook 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “AddressBook” framework on macOS. The Address Book is a centralized database...
pyobjcframeworkAccounts 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Accounts” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjcframeworkAccessibility 10.3.1 Wrappers for the “Accessibility” framework on macOS. These wrappers don’t include documentation, please check...
pyobjccore 10.3.1 PyObjC is a bridge between Python and Objective-C. It allows full featured Cocoa applications...
pynx 0.1.0 pynx - CLI tool for managing nginx daemon, sites and associated wsgi services Managing...
pyofficesheet 0.1.195 py-office-sheet A cross-platform spreadsheet based on pandas and numpy for effecient data processing...
pyodidetblib 1.7.1 Serialization library for Exceptions and Tracebacks. Free software: BSD license
pyocutil 0.0.1 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.1
pyocf 1.0.2 pyocf pyocf is a Python library to read and create Open Cap Table...
pyncraft 0.2.1 A Python API to Minecraft that works with the FruitJuice Bukkit plugin to enable a...
pynball 1.5.7 Pynball Centralized management and utilization of all your Python versions, installations and virtual environments.
pynanoid 0.1.0 PyNanoID A...
pynamodbmypy 0.1.2 pynamodb-mypy A plugin for mypy which gives it deeper understanding of PynamoDB (beyond what's...
pynamodbattributes 0.5.0 This Python 3 library contains compound and high-level PynamoDB attributes: FloatAttribute –...
pynamic 0.3.0 Pynamic A FastAPI extension for making openapi.json values dynamic. ...
pynalyser 0.1.0 Static Python Code Analyzer ...
pynfra 0.1.3 pynfra Simple infrastructure automation in Python
pynexusic 2.5.5 pynexusic pynexusic is a package that allows communication with the following tools:
pymyob 1.2.24 PyMYOB A Python API...
pymyo 2.2.3 pymyo pymyo is a platform-agnostic Python...
pynetflix 0.0.2 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.2 Mark Veltzer...
pynestor 1.7.7 Variables d'environnement NO_DB_DUMP (default FALSE): if not already existing, preview will be mounted...
pymultiroleplugins 0.5.260 Requirements Python 3.8+ Flit to put Python packages and modules on...
pymultienv 0.0.4 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.4
pymultibot 1.0.0 pymultibot Unofficial python library to use service of Python support Pymultibot...
pymud 0.20.0 PyMUD - Python原生MUD客户端 简介 北侠WIKI: 源代码地址: 帮助文档地址:
pymmcoreMDAwriters 0.5.0 pymmcore-MDA-writers This package provides...
pymrequests 6.31.0 Requests Requests is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. >>> import requests...
pyminufit 0.2.2 pyminufit
pymount 0.0.10 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.10
pymeteoclimatic 0.1.0 PyMeteoclimatic A Python wrapper around the Meteoclimatic service.
pymatrixrain 1.3.0 pymatrix-rain Matrix rain effect using python 3 and curses. How to Download...
pymergevcd 0.6.1 Introduction Merge VCD files, optionally to create a diff on various files and signals.
pymeoscffi 1.1.2 MEOS (Mobility Engine, Open Source) is a C library which enables the manipulation of...
pymeos 1.1.4 MEOS (Mobility Engine, Open Source) is a C library which enables the manipulation of...
pymef 1.4.5 Pymef Pymef is a wrapper library for Multiscale Electrophysiology Format developed by MSEL...
pymangadl 0.1.12 Manga-dl Manga-dl is a command line tool which helps you search and download comic...
pymediastack 0.1.1 py-mediastack An unofficial python helper package to interact with the mediastack API. Drawbacks
pymdvar 1.0.3 pymdvar - Python-Markdown Variable extension Simple extension meant to be used to convert variables...
pymdt 0.0.1 pyMDT (Messy Data Tools) This Python package handles a variety of tasks I run...
pymdownxsuperfencefilterlines 0.1.0 Frequenz Filter Lines Superfence Introduction A custom...
pymadx 2.2.1 #pymadx# A python package containing both utilities for processing and analysing MADX output....
pymad8 2.0.2 #pymad8# Authors M. Deniaud S. Boogert L. Nevay Setup...
pymcbdsc 0.3.1 pymcbdsc Pymcbdsc(Python Minecraft Bedrock Dedicated Server Container Manager (長い...)) は、 Bedrock Dedicated...
pylunasvg 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyluchtmeetnet 0.1.3 pyluchtmeetnet A python package to use the Luchtmeetnet 2020 OpenAPI. Installation $...
pylspci 0.4.3 A Python parser for the lspci command from the pciutils package. Browse documentation
pylox 0.0.1 pylox is Python implementation of Lox programming language which is a demo language from...
pyLowOrder 1.3.5 pyLOM This tool is a port of the POD/DMD of the tools from UPM...
pylinttensorflow 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
PyJWT 2.9.0 A Python implementation of RFC 7519. Original implementation was written by @progrium. ...
pyjamfpro 0.2.0 PyJamfPro is a basic Python wrapper for synchronous communication with the Jamf Pro (and/or Classic)...