Pagerduty links unfurler for slack-unfurl
Simple Curl without leak
Simple List Methods
A simple blog plugin for WinterCMS
The module github
A PHP implementation of Rapid Automatic Keyword Exraction algorithm (RAKE)
EasyWechat For Thnkphp5.1+
Adds a configurable linkitems elements as one-to-many relation to easliy add links or buttons to any content element
皮蛋框架多应用模式 同步到v1.0.16之后 Commits on Mar 29, 2023
This library separates WordPress configuration constants from wp-config.php to .config file.
Flysystem adapter for the Aliyun OSS SDK
Creamailer API SDK library for PHP
Farapayamak webservice wrapper for PHP language
Uploading files to the server from nova.
Laravel Moodle Client
Access control micro-framework.
Widget to add a basic contact form.
Especificação do formato Cnab240 e Cnab400 traduzida para Yaml
Pacote para validar/gerar/formatar RG e CPF
Verschiebt bei Formularen die Labels beim Bearbeiten nach oben, wenn im Formular oder im Modul die Klasse move_labels vergeben wurde.
Uploading files to the server.
A Discord webhook handler for monolog in laravel
Projeto para criar arquivos de remessas e processar arquivos de retorno no formato CNAB
Test generator for Yii PHP Framework
Create QR codes with inserted logo and redirection in the CMS
PHP SDK для API v2.0 от сервиса интеграции компании СДЭК
Ajax Select Field for Silverstripe using vue.js
A PHP SDK for Xumm by XRPLabs.
A simple API wrapper for Selectel object storage
API para geração dos arquivos para SPED EFD
Simple Laravel package to return Json responses.
Library People SDK: group components
Extension for automatic deployment of fbt framework translations for Laravel
A PHP Validation library
Admin panel constructor for Symfony
Laravel Package to send push notifications to Android and IOS devices. (GCM,FCM,APN)
Laravel library for logging and store it to s3
Minimalist library for authentication
Fake login extension for Nette framework
Hawksearch Datafeed module for Magento 2
A sampling profiler or a memory profiler for PHP written in PHP, which reads information about running PHP VM from...
Laravel email driver for catching emails and comfort view his
Add standard crud functionality to your laravel application
A Laravel wrapper for hobbii/cognito-client
App migration support.
package to log routines and sql query
Turns difficult strings into easy to read strings ideal for sharing
A PHP Library for interacting with AWS Cognito
A powerful form building and model data transforming package for Laravel 5 - 8.
Automatically turn Eloquent models into GraphQL
An Internationalization Framework for PHP.
The webman Validate Package
Cycle ORM bridge
Ähnliche Nachrichten: Lassen Sie ähnliche Nachrichtenbeiträge automatisch unter oder neben einem Nachrichtenbeitrag anzeigen. Die Erweiterung ist vor allem für Blogs...
Parse JSON coming from jQuery QueryBuilder, into database queries.
Dadata API client (
Search plugin for Winter CMS
Modena Direct payment module by Webexpert
GDPR compliance for Becklyn event sourcing
Parses email addresses from the To: or Cc: header in a message.
Workflow Module based on the Galaxia Workflow Engine
substr_position function for php 7.1+
Whirlwind framework adapter for league/route, laminas/laminas-diactoros and laminas/laminas-httphandlerrunner
Magento 2 Admin Indexer
Whirlwind framework cache library
Common classes, tools and utilities used throughout the inanepain libraries.
younited pay API SDK
TencentCloudApi php sdk icr