OOP component for creating xml document based on php libxml library
MySQL spatial data types extension for Laravel.
A Translation package for Laravel 5 with database and cache support - Fork of Waavi/trasnlation for support Laravel 9
Fork of simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp (https://simplesamlphp.org/)
Dynamic interfaces for Drupal.
Enhance product data quality and streamline content creation with the Pimcore and ChatGPT integration.
Automated preview for CraftCMS Entries without public URL.
PHP library that allows you to edit image dimensions, convert image format, cache generated images, record last access to generated...
Dcat Admin 操作日志扩展
Wrapper client for elevenlabs api
Class Validator using php attribute
Configuration for commonly used quality assurance (QA) tools for PHP projects.
Client library for Google APIs
A Laravel library to extend Faker to allow for the realistic creation of news articles for use in seeding and...
Adds a relation field for content elements to events
Yandex OAuth library.
A plugin to add a Diagram style Input for FilamentPHP
PHP SDK for Ebay Browse API
HTML5 support for FluentDOM
PHP SDK for Ebay Inventory API
package para realizar llamada al api de SGI Software y Dominios para obtener los contribuyentes registrados en la Secretaría de...
Helium UI components
PHP SQL Migration
Awesome HTML Code Generator for PHP.
A PHP component/library.
Create easy (and almost magic) AJAX forms
Use php openssl native function to encrypt and unencrypt for cookie.
Laravel 5/6/7/8/9/10/11 Captcha Package
Render Google for Jobs structured data for static job pages.
Client library for interfacing with the SparkPost API.
The laravel charting package
PHP library for interacting with the Wazuh Rest API.
Simple Rcon class for php.
Drush commands to list Drupal dependencies
Boilerplate theme, using bootstrap
Mgt Developer Toolbar
PHP template library
Request / Response library
PHP burn library
Collection of shared interfaces required by Micra framework
Solr file indexer admin for Typo3
OneLogin SAML Bundle for Symfony, hardcoded for Azure AD specs
Symfony Json RPC API bundle
Laravel implementation of AWS Secret Manager
A PHP library for Lets Bot API
Create polls and votings for Contao Open Source CMS
Extend Laravel and Lumen logging to better support containers
Google Charts for Laravel Livewire 3
Generic PHP PHAR compiler
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents (OOXML, ODF, RTF, HTML, PDF)
PHP API for Customer.io with v2 support
Easy imports and exports in FilamentPHP using laravel-excel
A simple RTF to Plain Text Converter using regular expressions. Support for PHP, Python, Javascript and CSharp
Provides a simple API for authenticating users against a CAS server
Adds CAS support to Laravel 5.x - 10.x
Devtool for Laravel Nova Development
The installation profile for municipality by Silfi.
Adminhtml Advanced Product Filter for OpenMage 20.x & Magento 1.9.x similar to promo rules.
Escape key JS package for Bear Framework
Transposes HTML tables.
Upload large attachments to Nextcloud and automatically create share link
TrioMobil API Library
Arvento API Library
A plugin for Kirby CMS to add modification timestamps to css and js files
Simple integration with Goalserve API for Laravel
thinkphp api 项目提供一个规范统一的响应数据结构
The debugger extension for the Yii framework
A PHP wrapper for Zbar. Decodes images/photos containing QR codes.
Magento 2 MSI Disabler