This is my package laravel-kpi
DETAIL Framework library for logging
MEOM cookiebot message for videos
Pug view files renderer for Slim 4 framework
Easy way to use ckeditor in laravel-admin
Most usual stimulus controllers
This package will help you to get data easier than usual from guzzle.
Laravel Nova 4 Tiptap editor field.
Hokodo BNPL module for Magento EE
Utility for displaying progress bar long running scripts to the browser.
Handle output buffering to the browser in real time.
SOAP Client for consumin gSales API
Updates slugs based on spreadsheet
A WordPress library helper to deal with assets URLs, and style / scripts enqueueing.
Saving Forms to DB for Contao 4.13+
A bunch of functional-like iterators.
A library for creating and reading Order-X document
Laravel Facade for Pure php!
Http/Cli framework
Risecommerce Maintenance Mode Extension for Magento 2
Gerador, validador e gerenciador de CNPJ's para PHP
Laravel package for the Google Translate API
PHP refactoring and intellisense tool for text editors
Site Tree
Laravel api response helper.
Register ACF fields using OOP.
Simple logger of JavaScript errors to server and sending notifications to Slack.
With this package you can easily integrate bulk sms system in your project with API of Bangladesh.
Laravel Html Sitemap Package
Trigger Vercel Deployments from Laravel Nova.
Really simple events dispatcher for Nette Framework
This is my package filament-oembed component in Yii2
library to consume sap webservices
Auth package for Tribe (v3)
This Symfony bundle will allow you to schedule all your commands just like UNIX crontab
Simple QrCode is a QR code generator made for Laravel. (SHIFT-JISエンコードエラーを修正した版)
Kit of templates and scripts to deploy FIAS GAR database
Light SAML2 php library
This is a Micro plugin for webpack-encore support
Micro Framework: Serializer plugin
These are handy functions for php projects.
Allows adding a content element at the beginning (introductory text) and/or at the end (email signature) of the email templates....
Pickles 2 Error Reporting Plugin.
VATSIM OAuth 2.0 Client Provider for The PHP League OAuth2-Client
A Laravel Nova tool.
Add ability to search on version status
Tool to import FIAS GAR database
Quiborgue utils classes
Simple and convenient Base64 encoding and decoding for PHP
Authentication for PHP. Simple, lightweight and secure.
PHP HTTP RESTful API client.
Transform php code to zephir
Excel Importer dependency for Laravel Enso
Skeleton for projects based on Bedrock by
artisan terminal to run artisan commands using GUI
Catalog Loader from 1c - CommerceML protocol
Sitemap Xml Generator
PHP cUrl utility
Array-like class with only strings used as keys
php soap client/wrapper for verilocation services
A class drawing multiline and aligned text on pictures. Uses GD extension.
The Swoole Pool Database package.
DETAIL Framework library for mailing
Arikaim CMS Actions Package
PhpPlaisio: Console Assets
Laminas API Tools module for Laminas
The contracts of raylin666
A String class to rule them all
An independent universal connection pool component.
Converts PHP Dates, Carbon objects and numbers to words