Todo List Mobile App in Android An Android application for managing tasks and to-do lists. Features include adding, editing,...
A classic Tic Tac Toe game built using Android Studio. This project offers both single-player mode with AI and multiplayer...
A comprehensive Android application that helps users track their fitness progress, including strength, cardio, and isometric exercises. The app enables...
Mobile App
The Android Voting System application revolutionizes traditional voting methods by allowing users to cast votes directly from their mobile devices....
The Bluetooth Printer Plugin is a versatile solution for integrating Bluetooth printing functionality into Android and iOS applications. It enables...
flutter exts flutter_extension # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
desktop info Desktop Info # Desktop Info is a plugin to get on device information from...
structured data Structured Data # A collection of functions for parsing structured data from web pages....
simplest simplest # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
airex flutter plugin airex_flutter_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
country selector country_selector # Language: English | 中文简体 A flutter package for country and code...
dartius Dart package to fetch data from RiotAPI and DataDragon
movesense flutter movesense_flutter # A flutter plugin to communicate with the Whiteboard on a Suunto Movesense
pr widget Pr Widget # Pr Widget is customize widget for speed up development with custom...
tinkoff acquiring sdk Tinkoff Acquiring SDK for Flutter # Tinkoff Acquiring SDK bindings for Flutter....
flutter share to stories Flutter Share to (Instagram) Stories # Plugin that make it easy to...
flutter iap ios flutter_iap_ios # 当前最新版本0.0.8 专门针对iOS内购的插件,测试前需要有开发者账号,并且账号需要设置相关银行收款信息为有效状态,内购商品等都配置成待提交状态。方可拉取成功商品信息,完成内购购买。 插件支持iOS 的 四种内购类型:消耗型商品、非消耗型商品、自动续期订阅、非续期订阅
appsync subscription Flutter AppSync subscription Plugin # This plugin for Flutter handles subscripe...
xuxu ui XuXu UI - Useful Mini Framework # Installing # Add it...
custom route transition scr3amind Route Transitions # Este paqueta ayuda al manejo de transiciones de rutas.
ynab A Dart library for working with the YNAB API. Inspired from the YNAB JS SDK.