riverpod annotation Riverpod annotation # This is a side package for riverpod_generator, exposing annotations See...
map launcher Map Launcher #
intl phone field International Phone Field Package # ...
freezed English | 한국어 | 简体中文 Welcome to...
animate do animate_do # Null-Safety, Dart 3, with zero external dependencies # IOS, Android, Linux,...
awesome notifications Awesome Notifications for Flutter - Year 2 # ...
test test provides a standard way of writing and running tests in Dart. Using package:test #
build runner Standalone generator and watcher for Dart using package:build. ...
speech to text speech_to_text # A library that exposes device specific speech recognition capability.
csv Specify (at least a major) version when adding this project as dependency. Whenever the API has...
form builder validators Form Builder Validators # Form Builder Validators set of validators for any FormField...
retrofit Retrofit For Dart # retrofit.dart is a...
injectable Injectable ...
flutter switch flutter_switch # An easy to implement...
gap Gap # Flutter widgets for easily adding gaps inside Flex widgets such as Columns and...
socket io client socket.io-client-dart # Port of awesome JavaScript Node.js library - Socket.io-client v2.0.1~v3.0.3 - in...
firebase app check Firebase App Check for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use...
hooks riverpod A reactive caching and data-binding framework. https://riverpod.dev Riverpod makes working with asynchronous code a...
readmore readmore # A Flutter plugin that allows for expanding and collapsing text with the added...
flutter hooks English | Português | 한국어 | 简体中文 Flutter...
jwt decoder JWT Decoder # This is a small library for decoding a json web token...
url strategy url_strategy # Package for Flutter apps that allows setting the web URL strategy with...
vibration Vibration # A plugin for handling Vibration API on iOS, Android, and web....
flutter downloader Flutter Downloader # A plugin for creating and managing download tasks. Supports...
jiffy Jiffy # Jiffy is a...