Vehicle Parking Management System in C A console-based application for managing vehicle parking operations. Features include registering vehicles, tracking...
Product Management System in C A command-line application for managing product inventories. Features include adding, updating, deleting, and viewing...
Pacman Game in C A console-based version of the classic Pacman game. Features include navigating a maze, collecting points,...
Movie Ticket Booking System in C A command-line application for booking movie tickets. Features include viewing available movies, selecting...
Medical Store Management System in C A console-based program designed to manage medical store operations efficiently. Features include maintaining...
Hotel Staff Management in C A command-line application designed to manage hotel staff records. Features include adding, updating, deleting,...
An interactive console-based game where the player controls a helicopter, navigating it through obstacles while avoiding collisions. Features dynamic gameplay,...
File Manipulation System in C A program designed for handling file operations such as creating, reading, writing, appending, and...
Employees Record Management System in C A console-based application to manage employee records efficiently. Features include adding, updating, deleting,...
Contact Management System in C A command-line application for storing and managing personal or professional contacts. Features include adding,...
Classic Snake Game in C A retro-style snake game built using C programming. Features include controlling the snake's movement,...
Cafeteria Rating System in C A console-based application for collecting and analyzing customer feedback on cafeteria services. Allows users...