Student Information Manager in C A console-based application for managing student records. Features include adding, editing, deleting, and viewing...
The Tic Tac Toe Game is a console-based application developed in C that allows two players to play the classic...
The Simple RPG Monster Game is a console-based role-playing game developed in C. Players take on the role of a...
The DVD Store Management System is a console-based application developed in C to streamline the management of DVD rental and...
A Simple Timer Application is a tool that allows users to set a countdown timer, which counts down from a...
This is an electron free boilerplate code from github.
The IEC61850 Substation Simulation software provides a robust and versatile environment for simulating and testing substation automation systems based on...
The code has four functions for decoding and encoding a character and for decoding and encoding strings according to the...