LinkedIn API PHP SDK with OAuth 2.0 & CSRF support. Can be used for social sign in or sharing on...
Provides jQuery to PHP apps
This library handles all the PAM - PayBill Account Manager API's,that are then linked to Safaricom M-pesa Daraja.
A awesome package for easy dynamic forms with Laravel Livewire and Bootstrap v4
Laravel - Multi Monies with Currencies For Model.
Ergonode - Batch action
rangine facade
Provide Free Font Awesome to PHP apps
A PHP library to access databases
A simple PHP query builder for SQL queries
A library that contains a single function to determine user's home directory
Paybox gateway for Sylius projects.
A PHP library for accessing REST services
A PHP version of concurrently built atop ReactPHP and RxPHP.
Silverstripe 4 DeepL Integration
Termii Rest API php library
A Socialite Provider for PNJ SSO
New PHP Framework
Moca Merchant Backend SDK
A Laravel PHP library that allows the user to filter the result of Eloquent Model query builders.
Kuusamo API client