Kazakh-speaking stand-alone PHP number to words converter
TencentCloudApi php sdk dlc
Wanphp Composer library installer
Integration of QBank DAM for TYPO3
Laravel Livewire components library.
API-client for churchtools
Dump and die (dd) as known in Laravel for Tracy (Nette Framework debugger).
The api functions from weclapp in php.
Common schema
advanced-form extension for Contao Open Source CMS
Export Table definition to spreadsheet by artisan command.
ActiveRecord Database ORM layer for MySQL
PHPWord - A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents (OOXML, ODF, RTF, HTML, PDF)
Mailer for PHP Framework HLEB2
Do something to see the posts of a discussion.
Allows to add CSP domains on the Admin
The extension allows you to create URL links that will automatically add a coupon code for your customer to the...
Aymakan PHP SDK
Wrapper for PHP's GD Library for easy image manipulation
TYPO3 Extension that allows to reference database records in the site configuration
Universal PHP admin quick development library for asset file
A custom module for canadasatellite.ca (Magento 2)