simple gradient text gradient_text # Requires Flutter >=3.0.0 Create gradient texts simply and quickly....
blur blur # Blur is a wrapper widget that blur it's child. There are ImageBlur.asset and...
win32 Homepage | Documentation | Examples | Packages | Blog ...
test api A minimal package for writing tests. At this time this package is not intended...
dap This is a package of classes that are generated from the DAP specifications along with their...
random string random_string # Simple library for generating random ascii strings. Design goals and limitations...
toast Toast # A Flutter Toast plugin. How to Use # #...
built collection Built Collections for Dart # Introduction # Built Collections are immutable...
flutter blurhash Flutter BlurHash # Compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Generation #
quick actions quick_actions # This Flutter plugin allows you to manage and interact with the application's
matcher Support for specifying test expectations, such as for unit tests. The matcher library provides a...
flame A Flutter-based game engine.
settings ui Settings UI for Flutter # Overview: # Build the beautiful settings...
cookie jar CookieJar # A cookie manager for http requests in Dart,...
flutter branch sdk Branch SDK Plugin # This is a Flutter plugin...
stacked Stacked # Checkout out the new and improved Docs # Old doc can be...
popover Popover Popover for Flutter ...
jwt decode jwt_decode # A easy dart package to decode JSON Web Tokens, and to check...
flutter calendar carousel flutter_calendar_carousel # Calendar widget for...
flutter phone direct caller flutter_phone_direct_caller # A simple plugin to call number directly from app, without...
checked yaml package:checked_yaml provides a checkedYamlDecode function that wraps the the creation of classes annotated for...
new version plus Note Original repository: The problem with the original repository is that...
image picker ios image_picker_ios # The iOS implementation of image_picker. Usage # This package...
firebase storage web firebase_storage_web # The web implementation of firebase_storage. Getting Started # To...
gal Gal Dart3 plugin for saving image or video to photos gallery