responsive framework Responsive Framework # Responsiveness made simple #...
scroll to index scroll-to-index # This package provides the scroll to index mechanism for fixed/variable row...
supabase flutter supabase_flutter # Flutter Client library for Supabase....
retry Retry for dart # This package provides an easy way to retry asynchronous functions. This...
flutter linkify flutter_linkify # Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for...
flutter mobx flutter_mobx # ...
intl phone number input Intl Phone Number Input # A simple and customizable flutter package for...
syncfusion flutter calendar Flutter Calendar # The Flutter Calendar widget has built-in configurable views such as...
git Exposes a Git directory abstraction that makes it easy to inspect and manipulate a local...
syncfusion flutter sliders Flutter Sliders library # The Flutter Sliders package is written natively in Dart...
flutter staggered animations Flutter Staggered Animations # Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column...
logging Initializing # By default, the logging package does not do anything useful with the log
web socket channel package:web_socket_channel provides cross-platform StreamChannel wrappers for WebSocket connections. Docs and Usage #
calendar date picker2 CalendarDatePicker2 # A lightweight and customizable calendar...
async Contains utility classes in the style of dart:async to work with asynchronous computations. Package...
extended image extended_image # Language: English| 中文简体 A powerful official extension library of...
sms autofill sms_autofill # Flutter plugin to provide SMS code autofill support. For iOS, this...
flutter widget from html core Flutter Widget from HTML (core) #
plugin platform interface plugin_platform_interface # This package provides a base class for platform interfaces of federated...
record Audio recorder from microphone to a given file path or stream. No external dependencies:...
grouped list Grouped list package for Flutter. # A flutter...
excel Excel #
change app package name Change App Package Name for Flutter # Change App Package Name with...
video thumbnail video_thumbnail # This plugin generates thumbnail from video file or URL. It returns image...
flutter tts Text To Speech # A flutter text to speech plugin (Swift,Kotlin)...