auto size text field Auto Size TextField # ✍️ Flutter TextField widget...
lazy load scrollview Lazy load scrollview # A wrapper for a ScrollView that will enable lazy...
aligned dialog aligned_dialog # A Flutter package that allows you to open a dialog aligned with...
background downloader A background file downloader and uploader for iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows and Linux #...
flutter platform widgets Flutter Platform Widgets # TL;DR; # A wrapper...
amplitude flutter Official Amplitude Flutter SDK # This is the official Amplitude Flutter SDK developed and...
google maps place picker mb Google Maps Place Picker - MB edition # This...
desktop window desktop_window # Flutter plugin for Flutter desktop(macOS/Linux/Windows) to change window size. Usage #
flutter card swiper flutter_card_swiper #
flutter signin button A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for generating signin buttons for different social...
fluentui system icons Fluent UI System Icons # Fluent UI System Icons are a collection of...
intro slider FLUTTER INTRO SLIDER Flutter Intro Slider is a flutter plugin that helps you make...
flutter webview plugin NOTICE # We are working closely with the Flutter Team to...
country flags Country Flags # A...
supabase supabase-dart # A Dart client for Supabase. Note This is a...
shake shake # A flutter package to detect phone shakes. To listen to phone shake:
just audio background just_audio_background # This package plugs into just_audio to add background playback support and...
flutter file downloader flutter_file_downloader # A simple flutter...
talker dio logger talker_dio_logger # Lightweight and customizable dio http client logger on talker base....
salomon bottom bar salomon_bottom_bar # Yet another bottom navigation bar, but with a few key promises.
styled text StyledText # Text widget with formatted text using tags. Makes it easier to use...
cron Cron # Run tasks periodically at fixed times or intervals. Usage #
exif exif # Dart package to decode Exif data from TIFF, JPEG,...
receive sharing intent receive_sharing_intent # A Flutter plugin that enables flutter apps to receive...
url launcher windows url_launcher_windows # The Windows implementation of url_launcher. Usage # This package...