flutter github releases service flutter_github_releases_service # Use github releases to update the app. Note: This...
sticky web scroll sticky_web_scroll # Use this package if you need more customization on your web...
ocg report ocg_report # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
auto core Auto Core # An Auto core support library. Related Projects #
auto cli Auto Cli # A command line tool that can play back Auto files and...
trial package Custom-Toast Box # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This Package...
spruce A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style
prompter rc A simple library to create CLI wizards create an instance...
yaml fluency YAML Fluency # Writes YAML strings fluently Write this:
userleap flutter platform interface userleap_flutter_platform_interface # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started #...
userleap flutter web userleap_flutter_web # A new flutter plugin project. Development in progress, not ready...
session jar Session Jar # A simple server side package for creating and maintaining sessions in...
angular recaptcha Angular Recaptcha (Dart) # How to use # Add to pubspec.yaml #...
functional admob flutter functional_admob_flutter # Functional Admob Flutter Introduction # This project is a...
with controller with_controller # A WithController widget is a convenience widget for reducing MobX boilerplate burden...
investec open api Investec Programmable Banking Open API Wrapper # A Dart null-safe wrapper to be...
persian range date picker A persian (farsi,shamsi) datetime picker for flutter. # A Flutter...
shareshot shareshot # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
thaw thaw # A single-cache FlutterEngine solution for the Add-to-app scenario....
light xml parser XML Parser # A simple lightweight XML parser written in dart. Inspired...
firechat Firechat # Firebase chat package for Flutter Reference # Most of...
environment manager environment_manager # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
hash identifier Library for identifying different hashes # This library in dart.pub: https://pub.dev/packages/hash_identifier...
arc slider Arc Slider # Arc slider for Flutter. Getting Started #...
sparkline console sparkline_console # A library for generating command line sparklines. In the...