xutils xutils # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
palace Queen Palace 🏰👑 # Introduction # server side dart micro-framework to handle incoming http...
kodora size config kodora_size_config # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
loose builder
mj calendar mj_calendar # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
bky flutter library bky_flutter_library # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
cherry Cherry # Dart CLI template generator and package manager for flutter, generate MVC, MVVM and...
flutter vonage video flutter_vonage_video # Install # Android # Nothing to do! iOS...
crime Crime library # Introduction # Package...
rollapi Roll-API Dart # Dart library for Roll-API This icon ↑...
flutter uni scanner flutter_uni_scanner # 一款Flutter扫码插件,支持android端、ios端,采用zxing库。 示例 # 功能 #
textstyle extension textstyle_extension # A Flutter package to implement textstyle easier Demo # "This...
hy router hy_router # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
counting set Counting Set # A Dart package providing a set that requires an element to...
flir plugin flir_plugin # Plugin for FLIR Camera (USB only) Getting Started # This...
scrumlab mobile vision scrumlab_mobile_vision # Flutter implementation for Google Mobile Vision. Based on...
customalert customalert # Custom alert package Getting Started # This project is a starting...
beauty loading beauty_loading # A beautiful Flutter loading package. Installing # Add this to...
livechat inc LiveChat plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that integrates LiveChat to Flutter...
cronet flutter cronet_flutter # A cross-platform (Android/iOS/Windows/macOS) cronet plugin for Flutter via dart:ffi ...
yaml config reader yaml_config_reader # A new Flutter package project for yaml config reader. Getting...
dio request dio_request # A new Flutter package for http request width dio. Getting Started...
mvvm initial mvvm_initial # A new Flutter package for mvvm. Getting Started # 基于provider实现的mvvm架构,此插件只进行了简单的封装,使用方式和provider形式一致.
ui widget ui_widget # A new Flutter package for ui widget. Getting Started #...