googlecl 0.9.12 The Google Data APIs allow programmatic access to various Google services. This package wraps...
googleaistudio 0.0.22 # Google AI Studio A collection of AI tools built on Google Vertex AI...
googlefontsinstaller 0.3.1 Installs selected fonts from the Google fonts directory by selectively cloning the Git repository...
gnusrss `gnusrss <#gnusrss>`__`English <#english>`__- `About <#about>`__- `Features <#features>`__- `Requirements <#requirements>`__- `Git repository <#git-repository>`__- `Install <#install>`__- `Configuration...
gnureadline 8.2.10 Stand-alone GNU readline module Do I need this package?...
glstatus 1.0.1 GitLab Status A simple tool to retrieve and update your GitLab status...
glowcli 0.3.1 glow The glow command line interface. ________ ____ _...
glBooklet 0.0.3 Utility to convert a pdf book into 2 pages-per-sheet double sided booklet ready for printing
gitwhenmerged 1.2.1 git when-merged git when-merged helps you figure out when and why a commit was...
gitutils 1.12.1 GitMC -- concurrent asynchronous Git Utilities for operations on massive numbers of Git repos...
githubstatuschecker 1.0.2 GitHub Status Checker What...
githubpushissues 0.3 Create GitHub issues based on local templates. This is useful for pushing, for example,...
githubinformer 0.0.3 GitHub Informer v 0.0.3 ...
gitgetpm 2.3.0 Gitget Package manager for git repositories. Installation To install from...
giternity 0.6 The author of this package has not provided a project description
gigasetelementscli 2023.4.0 gigasetelements-cli is a python based program which allows you to control your Gigaset Elements home...
ggmt 0.9.3 UNKNOWN
GGLogger 1.0.0 GGLogger A function logger for Python See examples under Examples/ Supported return...
getmail shutils 4.41.0 getmail is a multi-protocol mail retrieval system withsupport for simple and domain POP3 and...
getmail6 6.19.4 Description getmail6 is a flexible, extensible mail retrieval system with support for POP3,...
getmail 6.19.4 Description getmail6 is a flexible, extensible mail retrieval system with support for POP3,...
getvps 0.0.3 This module uses the FreeServer. I’m looking for pull requests!
getcoverart 1.8.3 get_cover_art THE PROBLEM Missing cover art for large imported music libraries. EXISTING...
getchanges 0.1.0 getchanges aims to be a CLI tool for finding and retrieving changelogs for any...
getbc 0.4.0 getbc What the program does This program's primary responsibilty is to make installing...