cdasws 1.8.5 Synopsis This library provides a simple python interface to the heliophysics data and...
cataloguer 2.2 Media cataloguer Organize your media files using your preferred directory structure. ...
cashflow 1.0 This package provides a cashflow script that can easily be invoked from the command...
canadianhamexam 1.0.0 Canadian Ham Exam uses the official question bank from Industry Canada and allows aspiring...
ByteSplitter 1.0.4 Idea This is a tiny Python library and command line utility for splitting any...
bwplex 0.1.0 A tool for skipping intro and outro for plex. Features
burn 0.4.6 ‘burn’ is a command-line tool to create audio discs from MP3, Ogg Vorbis, or...
boschthermostathttpclient 0.7.2 bosch-thermostat-http-client-python Python3 asyncio package to talk to Bosch Thermostats via their gateway, especially for...
blockdistortion 1.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
billingyard 1.1.0 Billing Yard Billing Yard is an open source CLI tool written in Python 3...
babtools gentoo 0.4.0 Info and API: babtools_gentoo: Some tools for working with Gentoo.
audtekapi 0.3.0 Unofficial API helper for Audioteka - audiobooks service: This is set of functions...
atomicmixer 0.1.3 AtomicMixer RefundTool Installation python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install...
arte plus7 2.2.4 ArtePlus7 ArtePlus7 is a python script aimed at downloading the mp4 videos from
amuseph4 2024.6.0 This package installs the ph4 community code for AMUSE.
amdapy 0.1.1 amdapy Python package for AMDA amdapy is a python package for accessing heliophysics...
aiohomekit 3.2.3 aiohomekit This library implements the HomeKit protocol for controlling Homekit accessories using...
afro 0.7.0 Description AFRO is Another Free Ripping Orchestra Documentation...
admongo 0.1.0 About This code automates MongoDB administrative tasks without knowledge of mongo shell language (JavaScript).
adf2pdf 0.8.3 adf2pdf - a tool that turns a batch of paper pages into a PDF...
aastructures 2.14.1 Structures App for managing Eve Online structures with Alliance Auth.
abow 0.5.2 A Bottle of Wiki A Bottle of Wiki (abbreviated abow) is a personal wiki....
abatools 1.0.0 Android Boot Animation Tools Simple command line utility for working with Android Boot Animations
qrs 2.0.1 qrs qrs (kyu-arr-ess) is a tool for Quarrel...
qettbgenerator 1.3.1 Allows to generate terminal blocks and connectors for QElectroTech electrical diagram software.