prysenter 1.0 Prysenter is an absolutely minimal, text-only, terminal-only presentation runner. It shows a sequence of...
proxverter 0.5.3 Proxverter Cross platform system wide proxy server & TLS Interception library for Python. Basically...
prs 0.0.7 prs prs is a small utility that lets you pipe things to Python and...
providedir 0.1.2 provide_directory Function to create the given path, including potential parent directories. Writes to the...
prometheusgivenergy 1.0.3 prometheus-givenergy prometheus exporter for GivEnergy inverter metrics prometheus-givenergy is inspired by givenergy-modbus module.
procyonlexer 1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
presamples 0.2.7 presamples Package to write, load, manage and verify numerical arrays, called presamples. Initially...
pnuunicode2ascii 1.1.1 Installation pip install pnu-unicode2ascii UNICODE2ASCII(1), UNICODE2ASCII(3) This repository includes a command-line utility:
pnustrings 1.1.3 Installation pip install pnu-strings STRINGS(1), STRINGS(3) This repository includes a command-line utility:
pnurot13 1.0.6 Installation pip install pnu-rot13 ROT13(6), ROT13(3) This repository includes a command-line utility:
pls2upl 0.0.5 pls2upl is a command-line script that will convert a PLS playlist to a UPL...
plovervipe 1.0.2 Vipe (Norwegian stenography system) support for Plover. It remaps W to V and Z...
ploversyllabicchording 0.3.1 Plover Syllabic Chording A syllabic chording system for Plover, reminiscent of how the Veyboard...
ploverrussiantrillo 0.0.2 The Trillo Russian Realtime stenography system for Plover. Activating Trillo After...
ploverpythondictionary 1.1.0 Plover Python dictionary Add support for Python dictionaries to Plover. Usage A...
ploverportuguese 0.2.2 Portuguese stenography system for Plover. Release Notes 0.2.2: Fix plugin error...
ploverpluginsmanager 0.7.1 Plover Plugin Manager Release history 0.7.1 fix editable installation (ensure...
ploverplatformspecifictranslation 0.2.8 Plover Platform Specific Translation This Plover extension plugin contains a meta that...
ploverphenrsteno 0.2.3 Stenotype layout for Phenrsteno Non-rhotic phonemic system for Plover....
ploverpalantypegerman 0.0.25 Plover Palantype German Possum Palantype support for Plover for German with two additional keys.
ploveropenurl 0.0.2 Command plugin for Plover to open a URL, a folder, or files....
ploverofteva 0.2.7 Plover OFT EVA Add support for the OFT EVA keyboard: Release history
plovermodz 0.1.0 This plugin for plover provides the Plover Mod-Z system which is a minor modification of...
plovermidi4text 0.0.4 Midi4Text English orthographic system implementation for Plover. Warning: Updating the plugin does...
plovermidi 1.0.5 Plover MIDI Add support for MIDI keyboards/machines to Plover. Release history 1.0.5