kwyk 0.5.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
kwsgi 0.0.2 Yet another WSGI server implementation. Usage Usage is like this:...
kumisms 0.1.4 pykumisms A class to interact with KumiSMS. Quick start
kwnlpsqlparser 0.0.2 Kensho Wikimedia for Natural Language Processing - SQL Dump Parser kwnlp_sql_parser is a Python...
kwnlpdumpdownloader 0.1.0 Kensho Wikimedia for Natural Language Processing - Dump Downloader kwnlp_dump_downloader is a Python package...
kvhot 2024.2.7 kvhot Automatically restarts the Kivy application whenever files within the project directory change....
kuberneteszhongwenwendang 2024.3.3.0 Kubernetes 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/kubernetes-zhongwen-wendang docker run -tid -p...
kuberneteszhinan 2024.3.3.0 Kubernetes 指南 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/kubernetes-zhinan docker run -tid -p...
kubeflowkatib 0.17.0 Katib Python SDK for APIVersion v1beta1
kubeflow 0.0.1rc0 Kubeflow Training Operator Python SDK
kubedantic 0.1.1 Kubedantic - Pydantic models for Kubernetes Overview Kubedantic is a Python...
krakenexapi 0.0.1 A Kraken Exchange API adapter. Free software: MIT license ...
kptncook 0.0.19 The author of this package has not provided a project description
kpruss 0.0.3 This package is the Sphinx theme for use by my projects and website. The...
krok 1.0.0 krok as in ngrok Expose your local TCP server as Kubernetes service in...
kotki 0.6.1 kotki Fast language translations without using the cloud using Neural Machine techniques....
koro 2.0.2 koro (stylized in all lowercase) is a Python package that can read and modify stages...
korniars 0.1.5 kornia-rs: low level computer vision library in Rust ...
komby 1.2 komby The Problem Finding all the possible partitions of a list maintaining in...
kombu 5.4.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
kolmogorovabacus 0.0.6 ABacus: fast hypothesis testing and experiment design solution ABacus is a Python library developed...
kollacli 10.0.0 This project is deprecated since the Ussuri release and will not be maintained in...
kollaansible 18.1.0 The Kolla Ansible is a deliverable project separated from Kolla project. Kolla Ansible deploys...
kolla 18.1.0 The Kolla project is a member of the OpenStack Big Tent Governance. Kolla’s...
kopikatapi 0.0.2 KopikatAPI 😺 👋 Hello, KopikatAPI 🐍 Python library for interacting with the Kopikat API.