kerashubnightly 0.15.0.dev20240823171555 π§π§π§ Work in progress. π§π§π§ More details soon!
kerashub 0.15.0.dev20240828230933 π§π§π§ Work in progress. π§π§π§ More details soon!
kerasflops 0.1.2 keras-flops FLOPs calculator for neural network architecture written in tensorflow...
kerasfacenet 0.3.2 keras-facenet This is a simple wrapper around this wonderful implementation of FaceNet. I wanted...
kerascvnightly 0.10.0.dev2024082903 KerasCV KerasCV is a...
kerascv 0.9.0 KerasCV KerasCV is a...
kepconfig 1.2.2 Kepware Configuration API SDK for Python This is a package to help...
kenneth3w 2.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
kelpsong 0.1.0 Kelpsong: an algorithm library Kelpsong is a library of algorithms that might be useful...
kerasplugins 0.1.5 # keras-plugins ## Callbacks ### Telegram Callback
kerasnlp 0.14.4 KerasNLP: Multi-framework NLP Models KerasNLP is a natural...
kerasnightly 3.5.0.dev2024082903 Keras 3: Deep Learning for Humans Keras 3 is a multi-backend deep learning framework,...
kerasmatmulless 0.1.1 Keras-MatMulLess (Keras-MML) ...
keepitfresh 1.0.2 A simpler way to freshen up your frozen applications keepitfresh serves as an auto-updater...
KaruhaBot 0.2.0 Karuha A simple Tinode...
karoogp 2.4.1 Karoo GP Karoo GP is an evolutionary algorithm, a genetic programming application suite...
kbbi 0.4.3 kbbi-python Modul Python untuk...
karbordashboard 1.5.1 Team and repository tags karbor-dashboard Karbor Dashboard
karbor 1.6.0 Team and repository tags Karbor Application Data...
karbon 0.1.0 Karbon Karbon tracks background mouse events and turns them into artistic values! Setup
kaquel 0.3 Kaquel, pronounced /kΓ¦kyΙl/, is a toolset for parsing and rendering query languages for ElasticSearch.
kapow 0.2.2 kapow A python application launch framework with a punch! Kapow! Warning:...
KapoorLabsLightning 5.4.6 KapoorLabs-Lightning Developed by KapoorLabs This product is a testament...
kalmankit 1.7.8 The Kalman filter is an optimal estimation algorithm: it estimates the true state of...
kalkon 0.4.0 Kalkon - /kalΛkuΛn/ Swedish Noun 1. a turkey; a kind of large bird...