itkdbbrowser 0.2.0 itkdb-browser v0.2.0 ...
itkdb 0.6.9 ITk DB v0.6.9 Python wrapper around the ITk Production Database API. ...
itisi 0.1.4 itisi Configure that fresh terminal into your own! Local Development / Testing...
iterpath 0.4.0 GitHub | PyPI | Issues | Changelog iterpath lets you iterate...
iterfilesystem 1.4.3 IterFilesystem Multiprocess directory iteration via os.scandir() Who’s this Lib for? You want...
iterdir 0.0.6 Python iterate over path tree. 安装 你可以通过 pypi 安装 pip install -U...
iterdecor 0.0.3 Iter Decor pip package Python package that makes your classes iterable. Description...
ismsgs 1.1.18 is-msgs Repository containing the schema for...
iso3901 0.3.2 py-iso3901 Structured parsing of ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) in python, as defined in...
iso3166updates 1.7.1 iso3166-updates 🌎 ...
iso3166KOR 0.0.1 # 한글 국가명 -> iso3166 표준 국가명, 코드 값 참조해서 만듬. `...
ironoak 0.0.0 A package for a convenient interface to oak cameras. Free software: Apache...
ironman 0.6.0 What is Ironman? Ironman is a general purpose software toolbox to be run on...
ironicui 6.4.0 Team and repository tags ...
ironiclib 6.2.0 Team and repository tags ...
ironicinspector 12.2.0 Introduction This is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a
ironic 26.0.0 Team and repository tags Overview Ironic consists...
irodscapabilityautomatedingest 0.5.0 iRODS Automated Ingest Framework The automated ingest framework gives iRODS an enterprise solution that...
irmetrics 0.1.6 A set of the most common metrics in used in information retrieval. ...
isccservice 0.2.3 iscc-service - ISCC Web Service API ...
isap 0.0.1 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
isannotated 1.0.1 is_annotated Check if an object is an Annotated type. This is a micro-package,...
ireval 0.1.1 ireval This Python package provides an implementation of the most common information retrieval (IR)...
irun 0.2 IRUN: Indulgent Reiz User Notation A human-friendly query language (python-like DSL) for generating...
irtdatautils 0.0.1a2 Infrared Thermal Data Utils Examples convert ddt file to images...