zmoncli 1.1.74 ZMON CLI Command line client for the Zalando Monitoring solution (ZMON). ...
zmicroservices 1.0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
zm 1.0 ===============================zabbix-cli-ent===============================Zabbix management command-line client* Free software: Apache license* Source:* Bugs: allows to perform...
zimuzu 0.1.0 A command line tool for doing the signing work for zimuzu( ...
zimupy 0.0.8 # zimupy ZiMuZu Non-official Python SDK
zilianmssqldjango 1.1.4 SQL Server backend for Django Welcome to the Zilian-MSSQL-Django 3rd party backend project!...
zkg 3.0.1 The Zeek Package Manager makes it easy for Zeek users to install and manage...
ZipSteganograPy 0.0.4 ZipSteganograPy Description This tool hides a ZIP archive in an image. This...
zga 0.1.1 ZGA - prokaryotic genome assembly and annotation pipeline ...
zflix 0.31 A CLI script that search and play torrents with peerflix
zentrasdk 0.1.1 Zentra, your all in one Python SDK for building FastAPI and Next.js applications. Found...
zeys 0.1.0 Python Zeys zeys is library for detecting typed keys in Python. Zeys features
zetch 0.0.16 Zetch In-place, continuous templater.
zenmake 0.11.0 ZenMake is a cross-platform build system for C/C++ and some other languages. ...
ZeroSegImproved 0.3 ZeroSeg A improved version of code library for the ZeroSeg Raspberry Pi...
zeroize 1.1.2 zeroize Securely clear secrets from memory. Built on stable Rust...
zeroconfpy2compat 0.19.17 python-zeroconf-py2compat This is a fork of pyzeroconf, Multicast DNS Service Discovery for Python,...
zeroconf2 0.19.2 python-zeroconf (Fork of last Python 2.x supported version)===============For original: * PyPI page* GitHub project...
zeroconf 0.135.0 python-zeroconf
zefactor 2.0.0 Python Zefactor zefactor is library for renaming tokens in a project. Zefactor features
zeekclient 1.3.1 The Zeek Cluster Management Client This is the recommended command-line client for...
zee 0.0.3 dicts
zdockparser 0.13 ZDOCK Parser Parses ZDOCK output files and returns coordinates of ZDOCK poses as NumPy...
zamiaprolog 0.1.0 # Zamia PrologScalable and embeddable compiler/interpreter for a Zamia-Prolog (a Prolog dialect). Stores its knowledge...
zaglushka 0.1.0 Http server for stubing backends and emulate some errors. Documentation & examples at github