xnd 0.2.0b2 Overview The xnd module implements a container type that maps most Python values...
xonshscrapytabcomplete 0.25 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xradios 0.0.1.dev6 xradios Search and play your favorite Internet radio station....
yaksh 0.7.0 Yaksh To get an overview of the Yaksh interface please refer to...
yaml2cli 1.0.3 Date: October 12, 2018 Organize cli args...
yandextank 2.0.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
yarely 0.1.0 Yarely Yarely is a modular, extensible digital signage player currently designed to...
YARS 1.0 Author: W-Mark Kubacki <wmark+yars@hurrikane.de> Finds new files (called ‘items’) on a...
yarsync 0.2.1 Yet Another Rsync is a file synchronization and backup tool. It can be used...
ycchuangyeke2018zhongwenbiji 2024.3.5.0 YC 创业课 2018 中文笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/yc-chuangye-ke-2018-zhongwen-biji docker run...
ycchuangyeke2019zhongwenbiji 2024.3.5.0 YC 创业课 2019 中文笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/yc-chuangye-ke-2019-zhongwen-biji docker run...
yenepay 0.5.0a0 ᴘʏᴛʜᴏɴ sᴅᴋ | ᴜɴᴏғғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ...
yepcordserver 1.0.0b3 YEPcord server Unofficial discord backend implementation in python. Setup Requirements:
yetui 0.1.6 YET - Youtube export TUI yet is a console (kind of rss) application to...
yewtube 2.12.0 STOP GENOCIDE OF INNOCENT PEOPLE _ _ | | | |
ygojson 0.5.0 YGOJSON YGOJSON aims to be the ultimate Yugioh database - a set of machine-readable...
yifi 0.2.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
yledl 20240927 Download videos from Yle servers Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Antti Ajanki,...
YNABWeekly 1.0.4 YNAB Weekly Spending Reports with Python If you want weekly mail with top 10...
yodapowers 1.0.1 Table of Contents About this package Install Global...
yoginth 2.1.1 Yoginth The Yoginth CLI Install $ pip install...
you 0.5.0.dev1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
youget 0.4.1730 You-Get is a tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from...
yougetknifes 0.4.1555.2 You-Get is a tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from...
youkuupload 0.1.1 youku-upload Upload videos to Youku from the command line Install pip install...