idbadapter 2.4.3 Adapter for database access
ical2vdir 1.0.0 ical2vdir 📅 Convert /...
ical2org 1.2 ical2org is a command line tool for exporting data from the Mac OS X...
ical2notion 0.3.1 ical2notion ICal2Notion is a simple command line tool that is used to update a...
icoextract 0.1.5 icoextract icoextract is an icon extractor for Windows PE files (.exe/.dll/.mun), written...
icepaposc 0.10.4 Python application to monitor and tune IcePAP based systems.
icepap 3.11.2 Python IcePAP Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython
ice 0.0.2 Ice is a Python module with a WSGI microframework meant for developing small web...
iacprotocol 0.301 IAC protocol The IAC (inter-application communication) protocol enables inter-application communication and scripting. Have...
ianesbbbdl 0.7.9 Big Blue Button (BBB) Downloader Downloads a BBB lesson as MP4 video, including presentation,...
i3workspaceswap 1.1.0 i3-workspace-swap A utility for the i3 tiling window manager, which allows to swap the...
i3workscreen 1.0.1 This utility is for users using i3wm on their laptops who frequently jump between multiple...
i3switch 1.2.4 i3-switch i3 script to switch between windows in history. This script...
hyvr 1.1.0 HyVR: Turning your geofantasy into reality! The Hydrogeological Virtual Reality simulation package (HyVR) is...
hyperledgerfabricyuanmashendujiexi 2024.3.4.0 Hyperledger Fabric源码深度解析 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/hyperledger-fabric-yuanma-shendu-jiexi docker run -tid -p...
hybridvut 0.1.4 hybridvut This package provides functionalities to deal with hybrid IO-LCA based on the Make...
hurm.fe 0.10 author: Lele Gaifax contact: license:...
humanhash3 0.0.6 humanhash provides human-readable representations of digests. ...
hubblepy 1.0.0 # Hubblepy - Python wrapper for the API[]([]([]([]([](`hubblepy`...
HTMLtoCSV 0.1 s is a simple example package. You can use [Github-flavored Markdown]( to write...
hspfreader 2.0.2 hspf_reader - Quick Guide The hspf_reader is a pure Python module and command line...
hsp2 0.11.0a1 Hydrologic Simulation Program - Python (HSP2) The Hydrologic Simulation Program–Python (HSP2) watershed model is...
hpitclient 0.36 UNKNOWN
hostsmate 1.0.2 HostsMate Welcome to HostsMate! A CLI tool for Unix-like operating systems that works with...
hostconf 0.2.0 The goal of this package is to be a replacement for GNU autoconf support...