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aaexampleplugin 0.0.9
Example Plugin App for Alliance Auth (GitHub Version)
This is an example plugin app for Alliance Auth
(AA) that can be used as a starting point to develop custom plugins.
(These badges are examples, you can and should replace them with your own)
For the GitLab version of this example app, please have a look over here, Erik
Kalkoken was so friendly to provide it ยป Alliance Auth Example App (GitLab Version)
Example Plugin App for Alliance Auth (GitHub Version)
How to Use It
Cloning From Repo
Renaming the App
Clearing Migrations
Writing Unit Tests
Installing Into Your Dev AA
Installing Into Production AA
The plugin can be installed, upgraded (and removed) into an existing AA
installation using PyInstaller.
It has its own menu item in the sidebar.
It has one view that shows a panel and some text
How to Use It
To use this example as a basis for your own development, just fork this repo and then
clone it on your dev machine.
You then should rename the app, and then you can install it into your AA dev
Cloning From Repo
For this app, we're assuming that you have all your AA projects, your virtual
environment, and your AA installation under one top folder (e.g. aa-dev).
This should look something like this:
|- venv/
|- myauth/
|- aa-example-plugin
|- (other AA projects ...)
Then just cd into the top folder (e.g. aa-dev) and clone the repo from your fork.
You can give the repo a new name right away (e.g. aa-your-app-name). You also want
to create a new git repo for it.
Finally, enable pre-commit to enable automatic code style
git clone aa-your-app-name
cd aa-your-app-name
rm -rf .git
git init
pre-commit install
Renaming the App
Before installing this app into your dev AA you need to rename it to something
suitable for your development project. Otherwise, you risk not being able to install
additional apps that might also be called example.
Here is an overview of the places that you need to edit to adopt the name.
Easiest is to just find & replace example with your new app name in all files
listed below.
One small warning about picking names: Python is a bit particular about what special
characters are allowed for names of modules and packages. To avoid any pitfalls, I
would therefore recommend using only normal characters (a-z) in your app's name
unless you know exactly what you're doing.
Folder name
Folder name
Folder name
Update module name for version import, update package name, update title, author, etc.
App name
App name
Menu hook config incl. icon and label of your app's menu item appearing in the sidebar
App name
App name
Permission name and template path
Title of your app to be shown in all views and as title in the browser tab
Template path
App name in PACKAGE constant
App name
App name
Clear content
Replace with your own license
App name
App name for import_heading_firstparty
App name and package name
Clearing Migrations
Instead of renaming your app in the migrations, it's easier to just recreate them
later in the process. For this to work, you need to delete the old migration files in
your migrations folder.
rm your-app-name/migrations/
rm -rf your-app-name/migrations/_pycache
Writing Unit Tests
Write your unit tests in your-app-name/tests/ and make sure that you use a "test_"
prefix for files with your unit tests.
Installing Into Your Dev AA
Once you've cloned or copied all files into place and finished renaming the app,
you're ready to install it to your dev AA instance.
Make sure you're in your venv. Then install it with pip in editable mode:
pip install -e aa-your-app-name
First add your app to the Django project by adding the name of your app to
INSTALLED_APPS in settings/
Next, we will create new migrations for your app:
python makemigrations
Then run a check to see if everything is set up correctly.
python check
In case they're errors make sure to fix them before proceeding.
Next, perform migrations to add your model to the database:
python migrate
Finally, restart your AA server and that's it.
Installing Into Production AA
To install your plugin into a production AA, run this command within the virtual
Python environment of your AA installation:
pip install git+
Alternatively, you can create a package file and manually upload it to your
production AA:
pip install build
python -m build
You'll find the package under ./dist/aa-your-app-name.tar.gz after this.
Install your package directly from the package file:
pip install aa-your-app-name.tar.gz
Then add your app to INSTALLED_APPS in settings/, run migrations and
restart your allianceserver.
If you've made a new app for AA, please consider sharing it with the rest of the
community. For any questions on how to share your app, please contact the AA devs on
their Discord. You find the current community creations
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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