Aa Rss To Discord 2.1.0 | Coderz Product

aa-rss-to-discord 2.1.0

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aarsstodiscord 2.1.0

Alliance Auth RSS to Discord

A simple app to post selected RSS feeds to your Discord.

Alliance Auth RSS to Discord


Step 0.5: Install AA-Discordbot
Step 1: Install the Package
Step 2: Configure Alliance Auth
Step 3: Finalizing the Installation
Step 4: Configure your RSS Feeds

Discord Bot Commands
Translation Status

Important: Please make sure you meet all preconditions before you proceed:

Alliance Auth RSS to Discord is a plugin for Alliance Auth. If you don't have Alliance Auth running
already, please install it first before proceeding. (see the official
AA installation guide for details)
Alliance Auth RSS to Discord needs AA-Discordbot
to interact with your Discord server. Make sure it is installed and configured
before installing this app.

Step 0.5: Install AA-Discordbot
In order for this app to work, you need to install and configure
AA-Discordbot first. Read the
instructions how to do so in the README of AA-Discordbot.
Step 1: Install the Package
Make sure you're in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth
installation Then install the latest release directly from PyPi.
pip install aa-rss-to-discord

Step 2: Configure Alliance Auth
This is fairly simple, just add the following to the INSTALLED_APPS of your local.py
Configure your AA settings (local.py) as follows:

Add "aa_rss_to_discord", to INSTALLED_APPS
Add the scheduled task
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE["aa_rss_to_discord_fetch_rss"] = {
"task": "aa_rss_to_discord.tasks.fetch_rss",
"schedule": crontab(minute="*/5"),

Step 3: Finalizing the Installation
Run migrations to finalize the installation
python manage.py migrate

Finally, restart your supervisor services for AA.
Step 4: Configure your RSS Feeds
First, you need to set up the Discord Server and Channels. For this, you go in your
admin backend to the Discordbot settings and enter the needed information there.
When done, you can set up your RSS feeds. This can be done in the setting of this
app, still in your admin backend. Create a new RSS Feed entry, enter the name, url
and select the Discord channel it should be posted to. Once done, save it.
Discord Bot Commands
The following commands are available for the Discord bot to manage RSS/Atom feeds:

What it does

!rss_add <rss_url> <rss_name>
- rss_url - The URL of the RSS/Atom feed- rss_name - A Name for the RSS/Atom Feed
Adding a RSS/Atom feed to the current channel

!rss_delete <rss_feed_id>
rss_feed_id - The ID of the RSS/Atom feed you want to remove
Remove a RSS/Atom feed from the current Discord channel

!rss_disable <rss_feed_id>
rss_feed_id - The ID of the RSS/Atom feed you want to disable
Disable an enabled RSS/Atom feed for the current Discord channel

!rss_enable <rss_feed_id>
rss_feed_id - The ID of the RSS/Atom feed you want to enable
Enable a disabled RSS/Atom feed for the current Discord channel

List all RSS/Atom feeds for the current Discord channel

To update your existing installation of Alliance Auth RSS to Discord, first enable your
virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation.
pip install -U aa-rss-to-discord

python manage.py migrate

Finally, restart your supervisor services for AA.
Translation Status

Do you want to help translate this app into your language or improve the existing
translation? - Join our team of translators!
Do you want to contribute to this project? That's cool!
Please make sure to read the Contribution Guidelines.
(I promise, it's not much, just some basics)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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