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aastructuretimers 1.8.0
Structure Timers II
An app for keeping track of Eve Online structure timers with Alliance Auth and Discord.
Notification Rules
Management commands
Change Log
Structure Timers II is an enhanced version of the Alliance Auth's Structure Timers app, with many additional useful features and an improved UI. Here is a overview of it's main features in comparison to Auth's basic variant.
Structure Timer II
Create and edit timers for structures
See all pending timers at a glance and with live countdowns
Restrict timer access to your corporation
Restrict ability to create and delete timers to certain users
Get automatic notifications about upcoming timers on Discord
Define a timer type (e.g. armor or hull)
Restrict timer access to your alliance
Restrict timer access to people with special clearance ("OPSEC")
Add screenshots to timers (e.g. with the structure's fitting)
Create timers more quickly and precisely with autocomplete for solar system and structure types
Find timers more quickly with filters and full text search
Automatic cleanup of elapsed timers
HintIf you like to see all timers in a calendar view please consider checking out the amazing app Allianceauth Opcalendar, which is fully integrated with Structure Timers II.
List of timers
Details for a timer
Creating a new timer
Notification on Discord
Step 1 - Check Preconditions
Please make sure you meet all preconditions before proceeding:
Structure Timers is a plugin for Alliance Auth. If you don't have Alliance Auth running already, please install it first before proceeding. (see the official AA installation guide for details)
Structure Timers needs the app django-eveuniverse to function. Please make sure it is installed, before continuing.
Note that Structure Timers is compatible with Alliance Auth's Structure Timer app and can be installed in parallel.
Step 2 - Install app
Make sure you are in the virtual environment (venv) of your Alliance Auth installation. Then install the newest release from PyPI:
pip install aa-structuretimers
Step 3 - Configure settings
Configure your Auth settings ( as follows:
Add 'structuretimers' to INSTALLED_APPS
Add the following lines to your settings file:
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['structuretimers_housekeeping'] = {
'task': 'structuretimers.tasks.housekeeping',
'schedule': crontab(minute=0, hour=3),
Optional: Add additional settings if you want to change any defaults. See Settings for the full list.
Step 4 - Finalize installation
Run migrations & copy static files
python migrate
python collectstatic
Restart your supervisor services for Auth
Step 5 - Preload Eve Universe data
In order to be able to select solar systems and structure types for timers you need to preload some data from ESI once. If you already have run those commands previously you can skip this step.
Load Eve Online map:
python eveuniverse_load_data map
python structuretimers_load_eve
You may want to wait until the data loading is complete before starting to create new timers.
Step 6 - Migrate existing timers
If you have already been using the classic app from Auth, you can migrate your existing timers over to Structure Timers II. Just run the following command:
python structuretimers_migrate_timers
Note: We suggest migration timers before setting up notification rules to avoid potential notification spam for migrated timers.
Step 7 - Setup notification rules
If you want to receive notifications about timers on Discord you can setup notification rules on the admin site. e.g. you can setup a rule to sent notifications 60 minutes before a timer elapses. Please see Notification Rules for details.
Step 8 - Setup permissions
Another important step is to setup permissions, to ensure the right people have access features. Please see Permissions for an overview of all permissions.
Here is a list of available settings for this app. They can be configured by adding them to your Auth settings file (
Note that all settings are optional and the app will use the documented default settings if they are not used.
Will not sent notifications for timers, which event time is older than the given minutes
Wether notifications for timers are scheduled at all
Minimum age in days for a timer to be considered obsolete. Obsolete timers will automatically be deleted. If you want to keep all timers, set to None
Default page size for timerboard. Must be an integer value from the available options in the app.
Wether paging is enabled on the timerboard.
Wether structures sets the name and avatar icon of a webhook. When False the webhook will use it's own values as set on the platform.
Notification Rules
In Structure Timers II you can receive automatic notifications on Discord for timers by setting up notification rules. Notification rules allow you to define in detail what event and which kind of timers should trigger notifications.
Note that in general all rules are independent from each other and all enabled rules will be executed for every timer one by one.
Example setup
Here is an example for a basic setup of rules:
Example 1: Notify about new every newly created timer without ping (e.g. into a scouts channel)
Trigger: New timer created
Scheduled Time: -
Ping Type: (no ping)
Example 2: Notify 45 minutes before any timer elapses with ping (e.g. into the FC channel)
Trigger: Scheduled timer reached
Scheduled Time: T - 45 minutes
Ping Type: @here
Key concepts
Here are some key concepts. For all details please see the onscreen help text when creating rules.
Notifications can be triggered by two kinds of events:
When a new timers is created
When the remaining time of timer has reached a defined threshold (e.g. 10 minutes before timer elapses)
Each rule has exactly one webhook. You can of course define multiple rules for the same webhook or define rules for different webhooks.
Timer clauses
Almost every property of a timer can be used to define rules. For example you can define to get notifications only for timers which hostile objective or only for final timers.
Note that setting a timer clause is optional and clauses that are not set, it will always match any.
Staging system
You can define one or multiple staging systems. Then you can see the distance in jumps and LY from your currently selected staging system to any timer (except for WH systems).
Staging systems can be added or modified on the admin site under: Structure Timers/Staging Systems.
Here are all relevant permissions:
general - Can access this app and see timers
Basic permission required by anyone to access this app. Gives access to the list of timers (which timers a user sees can depend on other permissions and settings for a timers)
general - Can create new timers and edit own timers
Users with this permission can create new timers and edit or delete their own timers.
general - Can edit and delete any timer
Users with this permission can edit and delete any timer.
general - Can create and see opsec timers
Users with this permission can create and view timers that are opsec restricted.
Management commands
The following management commands are available:
structuretimers_load_eve: Preload all eve objects required for this app to function
structuretimers_migrate_timers: Migrate pending timers from Auth's Structure Timers apps
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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