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aathemeslate 2.0.0
Alliance Auth Theme: Slate
This is the Bootstrap theme Slate converted into
a theme for Alliance auth.
Alliance Auth Theme: Slate
Alliance Auth Theme Slate >= 2.0.0 needs at least Alliance Auth v4.0.0!
Please make sure to update your Alliance Auth instance before you install this
module or update to the latest version, otherwise an update to Alliance Auth will
be pulled in unsupervised.
The last version of Alliance Auth Theme Slate that supports Alliance Auth v3 is 1.7.1.
pip install aa-theme-slate
Now open your and add the following right below your INSTALLED_APPS:
# Slate Theme -
INSTALLED_APPS.insert(0, "aa_theme_slate")
if "aa_theme_slate" in INSTALLED_APPS:
# Remove all other themes
# If you want to use Slate as the only theme, you need to remove all other themes.
# INSTALLED_APPS.remove("allianceauth.theme.darkly")
# INSTALLED_APPS.remove("allianceauth.theme.flatly")
# INSTALLED_APPS.remove("allianceauth.theme.materia")
# If you are using AA-GDPR, you need to remove the Darkly, Flatly and Materia themes
# added by AA-GDPR as well.
# if "aagdpr" in INSTALLED_APPS:
# INSTALLED_APPS.remove("aagdpr.theme.darkly")
# INSTALLED_APPS.remove("aagdpr.theme.flatly")
# INSTALLED_APPS.remove("aagdpr.theme.materia")
# Set Slate Bootstrap Theme for Alliance Auth as the default theme (optional)
DEFAULT_THEME = "aa_theme_slate.theme.slate.auth_hooks.AaSlateThemeHook"
DEFAULT_THEME_DARK = "aa_theme_slate.theme.slate.auth_hooks.AaSlateThemeHook" # Legacy AAv3 user.profile.night_mode=1
If you are using AA-GDPR, the template stuff needs to be after the AA_GDPR
entry, like this:
# GDPR Compliance
INSTALLED_APPS.insert(0, "aagdpr")
# Slate Thame -
INSTALLED_APPS.insert(0, "aa_theme_slate")
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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