Aakr 0.0.1a0 | Coderz Product

aakr 0.0.1a0

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aakr 0.0.1a0

aakr (Auto Associative Kernel Regression)

aakr is a Python implementation of the Auto-Associative Kernel Regression (AAKR). The algorithm is suitable for signal reconstruction, which can further be used for condition monitoring, anomaly detection etc.
Documentation is available at https://aakr.readthedocs.io.
pip install aakr
Given historical normal condition X_nc examples and new observations X_obs of size n_samples x n_features, what values we expect to see in normal conditions for the new observations?
from aakr import AAKR

# Create AAKR model
aakr = AAKR()

# Fit the model with normal condition examples

# Ask for values expected to be seen in normal conditions
X_obs_nc = aakr.transform(X_obs)


Assessment of Statistical and Classification Models For Monitoring EDF’s Assets

A modified Auto Associative Kernel Regression method for robust signal reconstruction in nuclear power plant components

Jesse Myrberg (jesse.myrberg@gmail.com)


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