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aakr 0.0.1a0
aakr (Auto Associative Kernel Regression)
aakr is a Python implementation of the Auto-Associative Kernel Regression (AAKR). The algorithm is suitable for signal reconstruction, which can further be used for condition monitoring, anomaly detection etc.
Documentation is available at
pip install aakr
Given historical normal condition X_nc examples and new observations X_obs of size n_samples x n_features, what values we expect to see in normal conditions for the new observations?
from aakr import AAKR
# Create AAKR model
aakr = AAKR()
# Fit the model with normal condition examples
# Ask for values expected to be seen in normal conditions
X_obs_nc = aakr.transform(X_obs)
Assessment of Statistical and Classification Models For Monitoring EDF’s Assets
A modified Auto Associative Kernel Regression method for robust signal reconstruction in nuclear power plant components
Jesse Myrberg (
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