Abcddb2vcard 1.1.0 | Coderz Product

abcddb2vcard 1.1.0

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abcddb2vcard 1.1.0

This python script reads an AddressBook database file (AddressBook-v22.abcddb) and export its content to a vCard file (.vcf).
I created this script to automate my contacts backup procedure.
The output of this script should be exactly the same as dragging and dropping the “All Contacts” card.
python3 backup/contacts_$(date +"%Y-%m-%d").vcf

assuming db is located at "~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook/AddressBook-v22.abcddb"

Export into individual files
python3 outdir -s 'path/%{fullname}.vcf'

Extract contact images
python3 AllContacts.vcf ./profile_pics/

Supported data fields
firstname, lastname, middlename, nameprefix, namesuffix, nickname, maidenname, phonetic_firstname, phonetic_middlename, phonetic_lastname, phonetic_organization, organization, department, jobtitle, birthday, [email], [phone], [address], [socialprofile], note, [url], [xmpp-service], image, iscompany
The image field currently only supports JPG images.
I have honestly no idea where PNG images are stored.
For PNGs the database only stores a UUID instead of the file itself.
If you happen to know where I can find these, open an issue or pull request.
You should check the output for yourself before using it in a production environment.
I have tested the script with many arbitrary fields, however there may be some edge cases missing.
Feel free to create an issue for missing or wrong field values.
Note: The output of diff or can be different to this output.
Apples does some weird transformations on vcf export that are not only unnecessary but in many cases break the re-import of the file.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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