Abeci 1.0.5 | Coderz Product

abeci 1.0.5

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abeci 1.0.5

Create perfect pangrams, sentences with exactly one of each letter in the English alphabet.
Generate Pangrams
After installing abeci as a package, you can run:

This script makes a text file with this name, in results by default:

If the effects/source.p file is missing,

The script uses Google's English Corpus of all books published in 2008.
The script will wiret an effects/source.p to speed up future calls to the script.

it also:

writes a log file such as 2022-04-07T0200.log.
writes intermediate files in an effects directory.

The file is named after the current date and UTC time.
Run the help command for options: abeci-pangrams -h
API Usage

No programatic api is documented at this time:
Look to src/modules/savePangrams.py for inspiration

Local Installation
Install Miniconda or Anaconda.
conda env create -f environment.yaml

conda env update -f environment.yaml

Then, activate the installed environment:
conda activate abeci

After installing dependencies, you can run:
python src/pangrams.py

Run the help command for options: python src/pangrams.py -h
Build Locally w/ pip
Upgrade pip and build with pip
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install build

Install Locally
Using the conda environment, install locally with pip:
VIRTUAL_ENV=$CONDA_PREFIX pip install --src $VIRTUAL_ENV/src -e .

After installing locally, run:
bash run_test.sh

Publishing happens on release. The following two links were inspirations:

Publish to pip
Publish to conda


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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