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abstractapi 1.0.0
Abstract API Python SDK
This is a simple and intuitive Python SDK for using AbstractAPI's services.
Current supported services:
All AbstractAPI services are supported by this SDK (16th. January 2023).
Email Validation
Phone Validation
VAT Validation/Calculation/Categories
IBAN Validation
IP Geolocation
Holidays Lookup
Exchange Rates Live/Convert/Historical
Company Enrichment
Timezone Current/Conversion
Avatars Generation
Website Screenshot
Website Scrape
Image Processing
Install using pip:
pip install abstract-api
Getting Started:
To use any service, you must have your API key for that service.
To do that, you have two options:
Export your API key as an environment variable:
To export an API key for a service, you should follow this scheme:
Note: SERVICE_NAME is all uppercase and underscore separated.
For example, to export your Email Validation service API key, use the following environment variable name:
Example in terminal:
export ABSTRACTAPI_AVATARS_API_KEY=612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81
In initialization, you don't have to pass an API key:
from abstract_api import EmailValidation
service = EmailValidation()
Pass your API key during service class instantiation:
from abstract_api import EmailValidation
service = EmailValidation(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
If both options were used simultaneously, the API key that was passed to constructor is used.
Each service response is represented as a response class to provide an intuitive
Pythonic way for handling responses.
All public interfaces of all services classes are modeled after AbstractAPI endpoints interfaces and responses.
Example: Email Validation service endpoint expects the following parameters:
The EmailValidation class's check() method expects the same parameters email and auto_correct.
(No need to pass api_key. It is already passed during service instantiation.)
Check service class and service class response documentations.
Response fields used in examples are not only the ones. Check documentation to see
all the capabilities.
Email Validation
from abstract_api import EmailValidation
service = EmailValidation(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.check("")
if response.is_valid_format:
print("Email is valid!")
if response.is_disposable_email:
print("Email is disposable, not this time :( ")
EmailValidation documentation can be found here
EmailValidationResponse documentation can be found here
Phone Validation
from abstract_api import PhoneValidation
service = PhoneValidation(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.check("20123456789")
if response.valid:
print("Phone number is valid!")
PhoneValidation documentation can be found here
PhoneValidationResponse documentation can be found here
VAT Validation/Calculation/Inquiry
from abstract_api import VAT
service = VAT(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
validation_response = service.check("SE556656688001")
calculation_response = service.calculate(amount=100, country_code="EG")
categories_response = service.categories("EG")
VAT documentation can be found here
VATValidationResponse documentation can be found here
VATCalculationResponse documentation can be found here
VATCategoriesResponse documentation can be found here
IBAN Validation
from abstract_api import IBANValidation
service = IBANValidation(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.check("BE71096123456769")
if response.is_valid:
print("IBAN is valid!")
IBANValidation documentation can be found here
IBANValidationResponse documentation can be found here
IP Geolocation
from abstract_api import IPGeolocation
service = IPGeolocation(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.check("", fields=["city"])
print("IP is in: ",
IPGeolocation documentation can be found here
IPGeolocationResponse documentation can be found here
Holidays Lookup
from abstract_api import Holidays
service = Holidays(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.check("EG")
Holidays documentation can be found here
HolidaysResponse documentation can be found here
Exchange Rates Live/Convert/Historical
from abstract_api import ExchangeRates
service = ExchangeRates(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
live_response ="USD", "EGP")
conversion_response = service.convert("USD", "EGP", "2023-01-17", 150)
historical_response = service.historical("USD", "2023-01-17", 150)
ExchangeRates documentation can be found here
LiveExchangeRatesResponse documentation can be found here
HistoricalExchangeRatesResponse documentation can be found here
ExchangeRatesConversionResponse documentation can be found here
Company Enrichment
from abstract_api import CompanyEnrichment
service = CompanyEnrichment(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.check("EG")
CompanyEnrichment documentation can be found here
CompanyEnrichmentResponse documentation can be found here
Timezone Current/Conversion
from abstract_api import Timezone
service = Timezone(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
current_response = service.current("Cairo, Egypt", "")
conversion_response = service.convert((30.0594627, 31.1758899), "Cairo, Egypt")
Timezone documentation can be found here
CurrentTimezoneResponse documentation can be found here
TimezoneConversionResponse documentation can be found here
Avatars Generation
from abstract_api import Avatars
service = Avatars(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.create("John Doe", 200)
file = open("logo.png", "wb+")
Avatars documentation can be found here
AvatarsResponse documentation can be found here
Website Screenshot
from abstract_api import WebsiteScreenshot
service = WebsiteScreenshot(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.capture("", capture_full_page=False)
file = open("github-home-screenshot.png", "wb+")
WebsiteScreenshot documentation can be found here
WebsiteScreenshotResponse documentation can be found here
Website Scrape
from abstract_api import WebScraping
service = WebScraping(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
response = service.scrape("", proxy_country="EG")
file = open("github-home-screenshot.png", "wb+")
WebScraping documentation can be found here
WebScrapingResponse documentation can be found here
Image Processing
from abstract_api import ImageProcessing
from abstract_api.image_processing.strategies import Crop, Exact
resize = Exact(height=200, width=200)
service = ImageProcessing(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
image = open('example.png', 'rb')
response = service.upload(image, lossy=False, resize=resize)
response = service.url("", lossy=False, resize=resize)
ImageProcessing documentation can be found here
ImageProcessingResponse documentation can be found here
Handling Errors
If something wrong happened on client side:
from abstract_api import ImageProcessing
from abstract_api.core.exceptions import ClientRequestError
service = ImageProcessing(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
service.url("", quality=150)
except ClientRequestError as e:
print("Some error happended from client's side")
'quality must be in range from 1 to 100 (inclusive)'
If the service endpoint returns a status code that is not 200 or 204.
(200 and 204 are -currently- the only accepted status codes.)
from abstract_api import ImageProcessing
from abstract_api.core.exceptions import APIRequestError
service = ImageProcessing(api_key="612345e4a63044b47a1234567a53cc81")
service.url("", quality=150)
except APIRequestError as e:
if e.status_code == 500:
print("AbstractAPI service is currently having a problem")
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