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Abyiss 1.0.1
Abyiss Python Client - WebSocket & REST APIs
Python Client for Abyiss Cryptocurrency APIs.
To use our API please sign up for a free account here: Sign Up, and find your API Key in your Dashboard.
Please use our official Documentation. It contains all the latest updates.
We will be adding some of the additional features to this client libary and our API in roughly in this order:
WebSockets - This will allow you to subscribe to real time cryptocurrency market data from the API.
Unified Endpoints - This will allow you get a unified view of the entire cryptocurrency market.
CSV Export - This will allow you to export the market data to a CSV file.
More Support - Add support for more currencies, exchanges, markets, symbols, timeframes, functions, indicators and more.
If you have any problems with this library, please open an issue request on Github or for any additional support please email us at
Getting Started
Install Abyiss Python Library
pip install abyiss
Quick Start - Copy & Paste Code
from Abyiss import Abyiss
apiKey = "YOUR API KEY""
client = Abyiss.Client(apiKey)
exchanges = client.getExchanges()
exchangeDetails = client.getExchangeDetails("coinbasepro")
exchangeStatus = client.getExchangeStatus("coinbasepro")
exchangeMarkets = client.getExchangeMarkets("coinbasepro")
exchangeMarketDetails = client.getMarketDetails("coinbasepro", "BTC-USDT")
aggregates = client.aggregates("coinbasepro", "BTC-USDT", "1h", '300')
trades = client.trades("coinbasepro", "BTC-USDT", '300')
quotes = client.quotes("coinbasepro", "BTC-USDT")
orderbook = client.orderBook("coinbasepro", "BTC-USDT")
More Details
Abyiss Client
apiKey = "(s2nKF1s2S^Xj6(43z6x6VCh18Ao5Qhu@*6"
# Create an instance of the Abyiss class with your API key
client = Abyiss.Client(apiKey)
Instance of the Abyiss class with your API key
apiKey: String. Your Abyiss API Key
Returns a 200 status code upon successful query.
Reference Data
Get Exchanges
exchanges = client.getExchanges()
Returns an array of all supported exchanges in the form of market objects.
exchange: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
Response Attributes:
name: String. The official name of the exchange.
id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
Response Object:
"name":"Binance US",
"name":"Coinbase Pro",
Get Exchange Details
exchangeDetails = client.getExchangeDetails("exchange id")
Returns an object with properties about the exchange.
exchange id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
Response Attributes:
name: String. the official name of the exchange.
id: String. the id of the exchange used within the api routes.
url: String. the exchange's official website url.
hasTrades: Boolean. Whether the api can be used to query market trades on the exchange.
hasAggregates: Boolean. Whether the api can be used to query market candle aggregates on the exchange.
aggregateTimeframes: Object containing all of the timeframes supported for market candle aggregates.
Response Object:
"name":"Coinbase Pro",
Get Exchange Status
exchangeStatus = client.getExchangeStatus("exchange id*")
Returns an object with properties that describe an exchange's status.
exchange id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
Response Attributes:
status: String. The status of the exchange. 'ok' is good.
updated: Int. Unix timestamp of last time the exchage's status was updated.
Response Object:
Get Exchange Markets
exchangeMarkets = client.getExchangeMarkets("exchange id*")
Returns an array of all crypto pair ids on the exchange.
exchange id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
Response Attributes:
pair id: String. Unique Crypto Pair identifier used by the exchange.
Response Object:
Get Exchange Markets Details
exchangeMarketDetails = client.getMarketDetails("exchange id*", "market id*")
Returns an object with properties about the crypto pair.
exchange id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
market id: String. Unique Crypto Pair identifier used by the exchange.
Response Attributes:
exchange: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the exchange.
symbol: String. The symbol of the market.
id: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the market.
active: Boolean. Whether the market is active on the exchange.
base: String. The base of the market. eg: The quantity that is bought.
quote: String. The quote of the market. eg: The currency being compared.
percentage: Boolean. Whether the taker and maker fee rate is a multiplier or a fixed flat amount.
taker: Float. Taker fee rate, 0.002 = 0.2%.
maker: Float. Maker fee rate, 0.0016 = 0.16%.
spot: String. Exchange type that the market is listed on.
Response Object:
Market Data
aggregates = client.aggregates("exchange id*", "market id*", "aggregate size*", 'limit')
Returns an array of recent aggregate candlesticks of a given aggregate size for a market on an exchange.
exchange id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
market id: String. Unique Crypto Pair identifier used by the exchange.
aggregate size: String. Aggregate bar or candlestick time frame. (1m, 5m, 15m, 1h, 6h, 1d)
limit: String. Optional. Number of results per request. Maximum 500. (default 200)
Response Attributes:
exchange: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the exchange.
market: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the market.
timestamp: integer. Unix timestamp of the start of the aggregate calculation. Defining the scope.
open: float. The first, or opening, price of the aggregate's scope.
high: float. The highest price recorded within the scope of the aggregate.
low: float. The lowest price recorded within the scope of the aggregate.
close: float. The last, or closing, price within the aggregate's scope.
volume: float. The volume within the aggregate's scope.
Response Object:
"exchange": "coinbasepro",
"market": "BTC/USD",
"timestamp": 1639532040000,
"open": 48080,
"high": 48111.79,
"low": 48080,
"close": 48088.72,
"volume": 2.55482409
trades = client.trades("exchange id*", "market id*", 'limit')
Returns an array of recent trades that have occurred on an exchange for a crypto pair.
exchange id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
market id: String. Unique Crypto Pair identifier used by the exchange.
limit: String. Optional. Number of results per request. Maximum 500. (default 200)
Response Attributes:
exchange: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the exchange.
market: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the market.
id: String. The exchange specific unique id of the trade.
timestamp: string. Unix timestamp of the start of the aggregate calculation. Defining the scope.
price: float. The quote currency price of the market.
size: float. The quantity traded.
cost: float. The quote cost: (size * price).
side: string. Whether the trade was a buy or sell.
Response Object:
"exchange": "coinbasepro",
"market": "BTC/USD",
"id": "251180247",
"timestamp": "1639534096083",
"price": 47887.03,
"size": 0.00013904,
"cost": 6.6582126511999995,
"side": "sell"
quotes = client.quotes("exchange id*", "market id*")
Returns an array of recent quotes that have occurred on an exchange for a crypto pair.
exchange id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
market id: String. Unique Crypto Pair identifier used by the exchange.
Response Attributes:
exchange: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the exchange.
market: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the market.
bid price: float. The bid price.
bid size: float. The bid size.
ask price: float. The ask price.
ask size: float. The ask size.
timestamp: integer. Unix timestamp of the start of the aggregate calculation. Defining the scope.
Response Object:
Level 2 OrderBook
level2 = client.orderBook("exchange id*", "market id*")
Returns a snapshot of the recent level 2 orderbook for a crypto pair on an exchange.
exchange id: String. Unique exchange identifier used by Abyiss.
market id: String. Unique Crypto Pair identifier used by the exchange.
Response Attributes:
exchange: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the exchange.
market: String. Unique identifier used by Abyiss for the market.
bid price: float. The bid price.
bid size: float. The bid size.
ask price: float. The ask price.
ask size: float. The ask size.
timestamp: integer. Unix timestamp of the start of the aggregate calculation. Defining the scope.
Response Object:
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