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acoutreams 0.0.0
The package AcouTREAMS adopts the framework of the TREAMS package for acoustic wave scattering in finite and periodic arrangements of particles, based on the T-matrix method.
Installation using pip
To install the package with pip, use
pip install acoutreams
Preliminarily, you have to also install original treams
pip install treams
The documentation of TREAMS can be found at
When using this code please cite:
T-matrix calculations using a spherical or cylindrical wave basis set
Scattering from clusters of particles
Scattering from particles and clusters arranged in 3d-, 2d-, and 1d-lattices
Calculation of sound propagation in stratified media
Band calculation in crystal structures
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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