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acres 0.1.0
Acres: Access resources on your terms
This module aims to provide a simple way to access package resources that will
fit most use cases.
The problem: importlib.resources provides a composable but ugly interface:
from importlib.resources import files, as_file
with as_file(files(my_module) / 'data' / 'resource.ext') as resource_path:
# Interact with resource_path as a pathlib.Path
The files() and as_file() functions do not make the meanings obvious,
and the different use cases do not obviously map on to these names.
The solution: acres.Loader is a class that provides read, filesystem
and cached filesystem access to package resources.
Module data loader
Suppose you have a module structure:
In src/mypkg/data/, add:
'''Data package
.. autofunction:: load_resource
.. automethod:: load_resource.readable
.. automethod:: load_resource.as_path
.. automethod:: load_resource.cached
from acres import Loader
load_resource = Loader(__package__) is now a function that will return a Path to a
resource that is guaranteed to exist until interpreter exit:
from import load_resource
resource_file: Path = load_resource('resource.ext')
For additional control, you can use load_resource.readable() to return a Path-like
object that implements .read_text() and .read_bytes():
resource_contents: bytes = load_resource.readable('resource.ext').read_bytes()
Or a context manager with a limited lifetime:
with load_resource.as_path('resourceDir') as resource_dir:
# Work with the contents of `resource_dir` as a `Path`
# Outside the `with` block, `resource_dir` may no longer point to an existing path.
Note that load_resource() is a shorthand for load_resource.cached(),
whose explicitness might be more to your taste.
On-demand data loading
acres may be used as a library to work with any package:
from acres import Loader
import somepkg
text: str = Loader(somepkg).readable('data/someresource.txt').read_text()
with Loader(somepkg).as_path('data') as somepkgdata:
If Loader().cached() is used, the resources will remain available until the
interpreter exists, even if the Loader instance is garbage collected.
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