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acrossburstcube 0.0.9
ACROSS API Python BurstCubeTOO Client
This is the Python API for the Astrophysics Cross-Observatory Science Support
(ACROSS), a NASA initiative to provide cross-observatory support for
time-domain and multi-messenger (TDAMM) coordination and observation planning.
The client provides support for accessing the BurstCube TOO interface that
ACROSS provides.
To install the client, enter the command pip install across-burstcube.
The across_client module should now be available for use.
The relevant classes are:
Main interface for submitting, updating, fetching and deleting BurstCube TOO
Class that provides extended information on the triggering event, this is an
parameter for BurstCubeTOO.
Allows to fetch multiple BurstCubeTOO entries using various filter criteria.
Note that submission of BurstCubeTOO requests requires an API Token, which will
be supplied by ACROSS.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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