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acs 0.1.0
Please note these scripts are intended to allow experimentation with
Azure Container Service. They are not intended for production use.
A set of convenience scripts for creating and testing ACS
clusters. These scripts can also be helpful in working out how to use
the REST API interfaces for managing applicaitons on an ACS cluster.
# Usage
See the [documentation](
# Development
## Prerequisites
Python 3
apt-get install python
Azure CLI installed and configured to access the test subscription
* install Node and NPM
* sudo npm install azure-cli -g
## Preparing
To install all libraries and development dependencies:
` sudo pip install -e . sudo pip install -e .[test] `
## General Use
You can use acs –help for basic help, or see the
# Developing
## Adding a command
To add a top level command representing a new feature follow the
these steps (in this example the new command is called Foo:
Add the command foo and its description to the “Commands” section of the docstring for acs/
Copy acs/commands/command.tmpl to acs/commands/
* Add the subcommands and options to the docstring of the file
* Implement each command in a method using the same name as the command
Add import to acs/commands/
Copy tests/command/test_command.tmpl to test/command/
* Implement the tests
Run the tests with python test and iterate as necessary
Install the package with python install
## Adding a subcommand
Subcommands are applied to commands, to add a subcommand do the following:
Add the subcommand to the docstring of the relevant command class (e.g.
Add a method with the same name as the subcommand
Add a test
Run the tests with python test and iterate as necessary
Install the package with python install
## Testing
Run tests using [py.test:]( and [coverage](
` python test `
Note, by default this does not run the slow tests (like creating the
cluster and installing features. You must therefore first have run the full suite of tests at least once. You can do this with:
` py.test --runslow `
## Releasing
Cut a release and publish to the [Python Package
Index]( install install
[twine]( and then run:
` python sdist bdist_wheel twine upload dist/* `
This will build both a surce tarball and a wheel build, which will run
on all platforms.
### Updating Documentation
To build and pucblish the documentsation:
` cd docs make gh-pages cd .. `
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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