Acshell 2.2.1 | Coderz Product

acshell 2.2.1

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acshell 2.2.1

AtCoder Shell
This is the shell library to execute AtCoder submission on your commandline, for Python/PyPy user.
Basic operation
If you want to know more information about commands, execute acsh help.
(Note that the command results are output in Japanese.)
1. Installation
pip install acshell

2. Login
acsh login
# acsh lg

Your account credentials are stored for a certain period of time.
3. Create "Contest folder"
acsh load agc001
# acsh ld agc001

The "contest folder" of specified contest is created where you are currently. Each task folder is generated in the contest folder.
4. Write your code
Implement the answers in the file like created in the folder for each task.
5. Run your codes with published testcases
Confirm the formats of the command arguments below.
acsh test [task] [num] [lang]
acsh check [task] [lang]
# acsh t
# acsh c

value format

task code such as A, B

Yes (in test)
number of testcase as integer

language(python or pypy)

6. Submit your codes
Confirm the formats of the command arguments below. Unlike the test running, you have to specify which language you submit codes as.
acsh submit [task] [lang]
# acsh s

value format

task code such as A, B

language(python or pypy)

7. Confirm results of your submission
acsh recent # for recent submission
acsh status # for your contest scores
# acsh rc
# acsh rs

Additional Operations
Setup your cheat sheets
Follow the steps below to use your own prepared cheat-sheet codes,
Please check the arguments with the acsh help command.

open the config folder by executing acsh edit-cheat / acsh ec.
write your cheat sheets, and place the folder opened.


execute acsh add-cheat <task_code> <cheat_name (without extension)> so add the specified cheat file in the task folder.
write from <filename> import <func/class name> in your code.
The cheat files will be merged with main code file when you submit.

Setup initial codes
If you want to set a template code, add in the cheat-sheet setup shown above.
Pyenv management
If you want to run codes by pypy, you should use pyenv for python version management.
(This package can be run on python3.8, but you should use 3.11 for the exact debug in contests.)

Install the latest version of 3.11.* and pypy3.10-7.3.*.
execute the command below.

pyenv A B C

A: The Python version you usually use
B: The version of installed 3.11.*
C: The version of installed pypy3.10-7.3.*


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