Acsuite Orangechannel 6.0.0 | Coderz Product

acsuite-orangechannel 6.0.0

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acsuiteorangechannel 6.0.0


audiocutter(.py) replacement for VapourSynth.
Allows for easy frame-based cutting/trimming/splicing of audio files
using VapourSynth clip information.
Includes some extra tools for working with audio files or timestamps.
eztrim(clip, trims, audio_file[, outfile, ffmpeg_path=, quiet=, timecodes_file=])
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.core
from acsuite import eztrim

file = r'/BDMV/STREAM/00003.m2ts'
afile = r'/BDMV/STREAM/00003.wav' # pre-extracted with TSMuxer or similar

src = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(file)

# for the example, we will assume the src clip is 100 frames long (0-99)
trimmed_clip = src[3:22]+src[23:40]+src[48]+src[50:-20]+src[-10:-5]+src[97:]

# `clip` arg should be the uncut/untrimmed source that you are trimming from
eztrim(src, [(3,22),(23,40),(48,49),(50,-20),(-10,-5),(97,None)], afile)

Uses the file extension of the input audio_file to output a cut/trimmed audio file with the same extension. If no outfile is given, defaults to audio_file_cut.ext.
concat(audio_files, outfile[, ffmpeg_path=, quiet=])
concat(['file.aac', 'file2.aac'], 'outfile.aac')

Will concatenate a list of audio files (paths given as strings) into one file using FFmpeg.

Utility Functions:
f2ts(f, src_clip=[, precision=, timecodes_file=])
Useful for finding the timestamp for a frame number.
from functools import partial
import vapoursynth as vs
core = vs.core

clip = core.std.BlankClip()
ts = partial(f2ts, src_clip=clip)

ts(5), ts(9), ts(clip.num_frames), ts(-1)
# ('00:00:00.208', '00:00:00.375', '00:00:10.000', '00:00:09.958')

Returns a list of timecodes for VFR clips. Used as a fallback when timecodes_file is not given to f2ts or eztrim.
Getting Started

VapourSynth R49+

Arch Linux
Install the AUR package vapoursynth-tools-acsuite-git with your favorite AUR helper:
$ yay -S vapoursynth-tools-acsuite-git

Gentoo Linux
Install via the VapourSynth portage tree.
Windows / Other
Use the Python Package Index (PyPI / pip):
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade acsuite-orangechannel

or simply
pip install acsuite-orangechannel

if you are able to use a pip executable directly.
Check out the documentation or use Python's builtin help():


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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