Act Admin 2.1.0 | Coderz Product

act-admin 2.1.0

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actadmin 2.1.0

ACT Admin
This package should only be used with act-api, act-workers, act-types at version 2.x.x.
This package contains management utilities for the ACT Platform.

Support for indexOption for Daily/TimeGlobal indices in the platform. Use --no-index-option as argument to act-types to bootstrap legacay platforms without this feature.


This project requires that you have a running installation of the act-platform.
Install from pip

pip install act-admin

act-origin usage
$ act-origin --act-baseurl <BASEURL> --user-id <USERID> --add
Origin name: myorigin
Origin description: My Test Origin
Origin trust (float 0.0-1.0. Default=0.8):
Origin organization (UUID):
[2019-11-11 10:46:22] app=origin-client level=INFO msg=Created origin: myorigin
Origin added:
Origin(name='myorigin', id='e5a9792e-78c7-4190-9275-27616be47ca8', organization=Organization(), description='My Test Origin', trust=0.8)

act-types usage
To bootstrap the type system with default types (userid/act-baseurl must point to ACT installation):
act-types \
--user-id 1 \
--act-baseurl http://localhost:8888 \
--loglevel ERROR \
--default-object-types \
--default-fact-types \
--default-meta-fact-types \

It is safe to rerun the command above, after new types have been added to the data model.
You can also add types from your own files, using --object-types-file, --fact-types-file and --meta-fact-types-file that points to a json file on the same format as the default types.
To show default types (replace with fact/meta-fact for other types):
act-types --default-object-types list

Local development
Use pip to install in local development mode. act-types (and act-api) uses namespacing, so it is not compatible with using install or develop.
In repository, run:
pip3 install --user -e .

It is also necessary to install in local development mode to correctly resolve the files that are read by the --default-* options when doing local changes. These are read from etc under act.types and if the package is installed with "pip install act-types" it will always read the files from the installed package, even though you do changes in a local checked out repository.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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