Actfw Raspberrypi 3.1.0 | Coderz Product

actfw-raspberrypi 3.1.0

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actfwraspberrypi 3.1.0

actfw's components for Raspberry Pi.
actfw is a framework for Actcast Application written in Python.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3-pil
pip3 install actfw-raspberrypi


API References

See actfw-core for basic usage.
actfw-raspberrypi provides:

actfw_raspberrypi.capture.PiCameraCapture : Generate CSI camera capture image
actfw_raspberrypi.Display : Display using PiCamera Overlay
actfw_raspberrypi.vc4.Display : Display using VideoCore IV
actfw_raspberrypi.vc4.Window : Double buffered window


example/hello : The most simple application example

Use HDMI display as 640x480 area
Capture 320x240 RGB image from CSI camera
Draw "Hello, Actcast!" text
Display it as 640x480 image (with x2 scaling)
Notice message for each frame
Support application setting
Support application heartbeat
Support "Take Photo" command
Depends: python3-picamera fonts-dejavu-core

example/grayscale : Next level application example

Use HDMI display as 640x480 area
Capture 320x240 RGB image from CSI camera
Convert it to grayscale
Display it as 640x480 image (with x2 scaling)
Notice message for each frame
Support application setting
Support application heartbeat
Support "Take Photo" command
Depends: python3-picamera

example/parallel_grayscale : Paralell processing application example

Use HDMI display as 640x480 area
Capture 320x240 RGB image from CSI camera
Convert it to grayscale

There exists 2 converter task
Round-robin task scheduling

Display it as 640x480 image (with x2 scaling)
Notice message for each frame

Show which converter processes image

Support application setting
Support application heartbeat
Support "Take Photo" command
Depends: python3-picamera

example/uvccamera : UVC camera capture example

picamera is unnecessary
Use HDMI display center 640x480 area
Capture 320x240 RGB image from UVC camera
Convert it to grayscale
Display it as 640x480 image (with x2 scaling)
Notice grayscale pixel data histogram
Support application setting
Support application heartbeat
Support "Take Photo" command
Depends: libv4l-0 libv4lconvert0

Development Guide
Installation of dev requirements
pip3 install poetry
poetry install

Running tests
poetry run nose2 -v

Running examples
On a Raspberry Pi connected to HDMI display:
poetry run python example/hello

Releasing package & API doc
CI will automatically do.
Follow the following branch/tag rules.

Make changes for next version in master branch (via pull-requests).
Make a PR that updates version in pyproject.toml and merge it to master branch.
Create GitHub release from master branch's HEAD.

Draft a new release.
Create new tag named release-<New version> (e.g. release-1.4.0) from Choose a tag pull down menu.
Write title and description.
Publish release.

Then CI will build/upload package to PyPI & API doc to GitHub Pages.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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