Adspower 2.0.3 | Coderz Product

adspower 2.0.3

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adspower 2.0.3


The package for interacting with API of anti-detect browser AdsPower.

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adspower's source code is made available under the MIT License

Synchronous and asynchronous interaction with the local API
Interaction with the most popular libraries for browser automation in Python: Selenium and Playwright


During using the package, AdsPower must be opened.
The local API is available only in paid AdsPower subscriptions
AdsPower has frequency control for all APIs, max. access frequency: 1 request/second

Quick start
Example of interacting with synchronous API.
from adspower.sync_api import Group, ProfileAPI
group = Group.create(name='my_group', remark='The best group ever')

profile_api = ProfileAPI.create(group=group)
print(f'Profile {} was created in group {}')

Use ProfileAPI only when you don't need Selenium and Playwright interactions.
Library provides ways to interact the most popular libraries for browser automation in Python: Selenium and Playwright.
To get a browser, you can use with statement:


from adspower.sync_api.selenium import Profile, Group
my_group = Group.query(name='my_group')[0]
profile = Profile.create(group=my_group, name='my_profile')

with profile as browser:


from adspower.async_api.playwright import Profile, Group

async def main() -> None:
my_group = (await Group.query(name='my_group'))[0]
profile = await Profile.create(group=my_group, name='my_profile')

async with profile as browser:
page = browser.pages[0]
await page.goto('')

Both versions support sync and async API.
Or manually call get_browser if you need specify part of behaviour.
from adspower.sync_api.selenium import Profile, Group

my_group = Group.query(name='my_group')[0]
profile = Profile.create(group=my_group, name='my_profile')
browser = profile.get_browser(ip_tab=False, headless=True, disable_password_filling=True)

Notice that you must not call quitting methods of Playwright library or Selenium after profile.quit(), since
it calls these methods automatically. An attempt to do so will lead to the error.
Example of setting proxy and fingerprint
from adspower.sync_api.playwright import Profile, Group
from adspower import ProxyConfig, FingerprintConfig

proxy = ProxyConfig(

fingerprint = FingerprintConfig(
ua='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/122.0.6261.112 Safari/537.36'

group = Group.query(name='my_group')[0]
profile = Profile.create(group=group, proxy_config=proxy, name='my_profile', fingerprint_config=fingerprint)

There are extension categories, implemented as Category class. At the moment, it can`t be created, but can be retrieved.
You can manually create extension category and used it for profile creation using API.
Example of querying category
from adspower.sync_api.playwright import Profile, Category, Group

category = Category.query(name='my_category')[0]
group = Group.query(name='my_group')[0]

profile = Profile.create(group=group, category=category)

You can create anonymous profile that is deleted after last statement in context manager.
Example of anonymous profile
from adspower.async_api.playwright import Profile, Group

async def main() -> None:
my_group = (await Group.query(name='my_group'))[0]
profile = await Profile.anonymous(group=my_group)

async with profile as browser:
page = browser.pages[0]
await page.goto('')

Each API entity, such as Profile, Group and Category, pretty formatted, can be compared and converted to dict
Example 1
from adspower.sync_api.playwright import Category

category = Category.query(name='my_category')[0]

Category(id=10515; name=my_category)

Example 2
from adspower.sync_api.playwright import Profile, Group

group = Group.query(name='my_group')[0]
profile_created = Profile.create(group=group)

profile_queried = Profile.query(
print(profile_queried == profile_created)


Example 3
from adspower.sync_api.playwright import Category

category = Category.query(name='my_category')[0]

"id": 10515,
"name": "my_category",
"remark": "category remark"

Installing adspower
To install the package from PyPi you can use that:
pip install adspower

You will probably want to use the pacakge with Selenium or Playwright. You can install it as extra-package:
pip install adspower[playwright]

pip install adspower[selenium]


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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