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agilepoint 1.0.0
TODO: Create script to regenerate code
Basic Usage:
from agilepoint import AgilePoint
ap = AgilePoint(host, path, username, password)
db_info = ap.admin.get_database_info()
# Responses in json usually have a primary key indicating what AgilePoint class the response has.
for key, value in db_info['GetDatabaseInfoResult'].items():
print('{}: {}'.format(key,value))
Register Users:
users = {'First Last': 'email@domain.tld'}
for name, email in users.items():
r = ap.admin.register_user(UserName=email, FullName=name)
Note: It’s not well defined what arguments are required and what is optional. I’ve made logical conclusions. If you notice that the required/optional arguments is incorrect please submit a PR.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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