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agrivoltaicssupplysidemanagement 0.1.0
Agrivoltaics Supply Side Management
Optimizes Supply Side Management with Agrivoltaics (Solar sharing between
Photovoltaics and Agriculture) by Artificial Intelligence.
Use the package manager pip to install
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When using a package available in PyPI:
pip install agrivoltaics-supply-side-management
We use Python library for mathematical optimization, called Pyomo.
As in any mathematical optimization tool, it requires a solver.
For Linear Programming, glpk is used as a solver by default following Pyomo
In Macintosh, install it through Homebrew:
brew install glpk
For other platforms, see
[To be added]
[1] P. E. Campana, B. Stridh, S. Amaducci, and M. Colauzzi,
“Optimisation of vertically mounted agrivoltaic systems,”
Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 325, p. 129091, Nov. 2021,
doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.129091.
[2] C. B. Honsberg, R. Sampson, R. Kostuk, G. Barron-Gafford,
S. Bowden, and S. Goodnick, “Agrivoltaic Modules Co-Designed
for Electrical and Crop Productivity,”
in 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC),
Jun. 2021, pp. 2163–2166. doi: 10.1109/PVSC43889.2021.9519011.
[3] B. Willockx, B. Uytterhaegen, B. Ronsijn, B. Herteleer, and J. Cappelle,
“A standardized classification and performance indicators of agrivoltaic
systems.,” Oct. 2020. doi: 10.4229/EUPVSEC20202020-6CV.2.47.
[4] H-W, Heldt, ”Plant Biochemistry,” Elsevier Academic Press,
Burlington, MA, USA, 2005.
[5] R. W. Langhans and T. W. Tibbits, “Plant Growth Chamber Handbook
- Chapter 1 Radiation,” in Plant Growth Chamber Handbook,
Iowa State University, 1997.
[6] O. A. Martin, R. Kumar, and J. Lao, "Bayesian Modeling and Computation
in Python," Boca Ratón, 2021.
[Online]. Available:
[7] R. Retkute, S. E. Smith-Unna, R. W. Smith, A. J. Burgess, O. E. Jensen,
G. N. Johnson, S. P. Preston, E. H. Murchie, ”Exploiting heterogeneous
environments: does photosynthetic acclimation optimize carbon gain in
fluctuating light?,” Journal of Experimental Botany, May 2015, vol. 66,
no. 9, pp. 2437–2447, doi: 10.1093/jxb/erv055.
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