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aicompleter 0.0.1rc5
A totally automatic AI to interact with environments.
Now it only supports OpenAI API.
Note:Please use stable branch if the dev branch is broken
Clone the Repositry
git clone
cd AI-Completer
Modify the config file
You can use either vim or your editor to modify the file config-example.json, and save it to config.json
Run and enjoy yourself
Note: Use Python 3.11+ to run this program.
python3 -m aicompleter talk --ai bingai
# This will start a conversation with bing ai.
python3 -m aicompleter helper --enable-agent --include pythoncode
# This will start a helper with OpenAI API
You can add custom interface to this program to add more function.
Quick Start
The code below will start a talk with gpt, the detailed model varies with your configure, default is gpt-3.5-turbo.
from aicompleter import *
from aicompleter.implements import *
import asyncio
cfg = Config({
# 'openaichat' is the namespace, you can change to your own namespace
'api-key': 'sk-...', # Put you OpenAI API key here
'model': 'gpt-3.5-turbo', # AI model, default is gpt-3.5-turbo
# ChatAI, use openai model gpt-3.5-turbo-0301
chater = ai.openai.Chater(cfg['openaichat'])
# Chat Interface, based on chater -> OpenAI API
chatinterface:ai.ChatInterface = ai.ChatInterface(ai=chater, namespace='openaichat')
# Handler, interacting between interfaces
hand:Handler = Handler(cfg)
async def main():
# Add Interfaces
await hand.add_interface(chatinterface)
# Start a new session
session:Session = await hand.new_session()
print("Please start a conversation")
while True:
# Get input from console
word = input(">>> ")
if word == 'exit':
# Send a ask command to the chat interface, the ai is asked by the content (text, the question of user)
print(await session.asend('ask', word))
# Start the loop
See examples
Reference: Document
To-do List
We are adding more support to this program.
Add Commands Intergation with AI model.
Add Commands Support
Add memory system
Add History
Add Memory Analyse
Add Extra Interface Package
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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