Aio Overpass 0.14.1 | Coderz Repository

aio-overpass 0.14.1

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aiooverpass 0.14.1

A client for the Overpass API, a read-only API that serves up custom selected
parts of OpenStreetMap data.
The Overpass API is optimized for data consumers that need a few elements within
a glimpse or up to roughly 10 million elements in some minutes, both selected by
search criteria like location, type of objects, tag properties, proximity, or
combinations of them. To make use of it, you should familiarize yourself with
Overpass QL, the query language used to select the elements that you want.

Choosing Extras

See also

An overview of modules, classes and functions can be found in the API reference
The version history is available in
There are some notebooks to check out in examples/
Developers can find some instructions in
The Overpass API repository,
its blog,
its user's manual
and its release notes
Overpass Turbo to prototype your queries in your browser


Asynchronous requests using aiohttp
Parallel queries within rate limits
Fault tolerance through a (customizable) retry strategy

Typed elements that simplify browsing result sets
Shapely geometries for manipulation and analysis
GeoJSON exports
Simplified querying and processing of public transportation routes

Design Goals

A small and stable set of core functionality.
Good defaults for queries and retrying.
Sensible and spec-compliant GeoJSON exports for all objects that represent spatial features.
Detailed documentation that supplements learning about OSM and the Overpass API.
Room for extensions that simplify querying and/or processing of spatial data
in specific problem domains.

There are three basic steps to fetch the spatial data you need:

Formulate a query

Either write your own custom query, f.e. Query("node(5369192667); out;"),
or use one of the Query subclasses, f.e. SingleRouteQuery(relation_id=1643324).

Call the Overpass API

Prepare your client with client = Client(user_agent=...).
Use await client.run_query(query) to fetch the result set.

Collect results

Either access the raw result dictionaries with query.result_set,
or use a collector, f.e. collect_elements(query) to get a list of typed Elements.
Collectors are often specific to queries - collect_routes requires a RouteQuery,
for instance.

Example: looking up a building in Hamburg
a) Results as Dictionaries
You may use the .result_set property to get a list of all query results
without any extra processing:
from aio_overpass import Client, Query

query = Query('way["addr:housename"=Elbphilharmonie]; out geom;')

client = Client()

await client.run_query(query)


"type": "way",
"id": 24981342,
# ...
"tags": {
"addr:city": "Hamburg",
"addr:country": "DE",
"addr:housename": "Elbphilharmonie",
# ...

b) Results as Objects
This will give you a user-friendly Python interface
for nodes,
and relations.
Here we use the .tags property:
from aio_overpass.element import collect_elements

elems = collect_elements(query)


"addr:city": "Hamburg",
"addr:country": "DE",
"addr:housename": "Elbphilharmonie",
# ...

c) Results as GeoJSON
The processed elements can also easily be converted to GeoJSON:
import json

json.dumps(elems[0].geojson, indent=4)

"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
"properties": {
"id": 24981342,
"type": "way",
"tags": {
"addr:city": "Hamburg",
"addr:country": "DE",
"addr:housename": "Elbphilharmonie",
"bbox": [

Choosing Extras
This library can be installed with a number of optional extras.

Install no extras, if you're fine with dict result sets.

Install the shapely extra, if you would like the convenience of typed OSM elements.
It is also useful if you are interested in elements' geometries,
and either already use Shapely, or want a simple way to export GeoJSON.

This includes the pt module to make it easier to interact with public transportation routes.
Something seemingly trivial like listing the stops of a route can have unexpected pitfalls,
since stops can have multiple route members, and may have a range of different tags and roles.
This submodule will clean up the relation data for you.

Install the networkx extra to enable the pt_ordered module, if you want a route's path as a
simple line from A to B. It is hard to do this consistently, mainly because ways are not always
ordered, and stop positions might be missing. You can benefit from this submodule if you wish to

render a route's path between any two stops
measure the route's travelled distance between any two stops
validate the order of ways in the relation
check if the route relation has gaps

Install the joblib extra to speed up pt_ordered.collect_ordered_routes(), which can benefit
greatly from parallelization.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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