Aioauth 1.6.0 | Coderz Repository

aioauth 1.6.0

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aioauth 1.6.0

Asynchronous OAuth 2.0 framework for Python 3

aioauth implements OAuth 2.0 protocol and can be used in asynchronous frameworks like FastAPI / Starlette, aiohttp. It can work with any databases like MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL and ORMs like gino, sqlalchemy or databases over simple BaseStorage interface.
Why this project exists?
There are few great OAuth frameworks for Python like oauthlib and authlib, but they do not support asyncio and rewriting these libraries to asyncio is a significant challenge (see issues here and here).
Supported RFCs

The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework
OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection
Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients
OpenID support

python -m pip install aioauth

FastAPI integration stored on separated aioauth-fastapi repository and can be installed via the command:
python -m pip install aioauth[fastapi]

aioauth-fastapi repository contains demo example which I recommend to look.
API Reference and User Guide


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