Aiocouch 3.0.1 | Coderz Repository

aiocouch 3.0.1

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aiocouch 3.0.1

An asynchronous client library for CouchDB 2.0 based on asyncio using aiohttp
Key features

All requests are asynchronus using aiohttp
Supports CouchDB 2.x and 3.x
Support for modern Python ≥ 3.7

Library installation
pip install aiocouch

Getting started
The following code retrieves and prints the list of incredients of the apple_pie recipe.
The incredients are stored as a list in the apple_pie aiocouch.document.Document,
which is part of the recipe aiocouch.database.Database. We use the context manager
aiocouch.CouchDB to create a new session.
from aiocouch import CouchDB

async with CouchDB(
"http://localhost:5984", user="admin", password="admin"
) as couchdb:
db = await couchdb["recipes"]
doc = await db["apple_pie"]

We can also create new recipes, for instance for some delicious cookies.
new_doc = await db.create(
"cookies", data={"title": "Granny's cookies", "rating": "★★★★★"}

For further details please refer to the documentation, which is available here on
Run examples

Setup the CouchDB URL and credentials using the environment variables
Install dependencies using pip install --editable '.[examples]'
run for instance python examples/

Run tests

Install dependencies using pip install --editable '.[tests]'
Setup the CouchDB URL and credentials using the environment variables (COUCHDB_HOST, COUCHDB_USER, COUCHDB_PASS)
run pytest --cov=aiocouch

Generate documentation

Install dependencies using pip install '.[docs]'
switch to the docs directory: cd docs
run make html


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